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75100 Matera Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Ray K. Productions offer the finest in music production. With over twelve years of experience working in the music industry, Ray K. Productions has provided services for many unsigned and signed artists.
Treehouse studios is availalbe to Artists, who are ready to get their music Professionally Recorded/Mix/Mastered and ready for professional release.
"The most important thing I've learned over the years is that a good mix is all about two things - excitement and vibe. whether it’s pop, heavy rock or a ballad, it’s all about finding out what makes each song exciting and compelling and to build the mix around that".
Hello there! I would love to help you bring your song to life. My vocals have been featured on ABC, NBC, Netflix and the CW as well as all three of the Pitch Perfect films. I am a solo artist, one half of the band Robin Alice, and a session singer in Los Angeles.
Great availability and dedication to work, for a good result!
I believe that a good song doesn't just entertain, it connects, and that's what I aim to achieve.
Compositor y poeta
Multi-genre artist, producer, sound engineer and sound designer from Ukraine.
Recent Successes
"What can I say? Joey is the man if you want top notch music vocals. Hire Joey you won’t be let down, he knocks out music work quickly and precise. "
"Have worked on a few tracks now with Austin and can definitively say he is consistently high quality and time-sensitive with his efforts. Lock him in and be amazed yourself."
"I hired Shana to record voice tags for the beats I license to vocalists. I wanted a lot of unique tags and gave her a list with moods and things to say. Shana went above and beyond what I asked for. She added extra ta..."
"Randall is an amazing singer/songwriter! Needed vocals for a track I had been working on for 5-6 months and he came out with powerful lyrics that fit my track perfectly. He stayed within my budget and was super easy t..."
"I’m new to SoundBetter and I couldn’t have worked with a better producer. Austin really lives up to his best reviews. He was very accommodating and patient with me and my vision, which he helped me bring to life. Tha..."
"Abby is a great mixer and musician. She adds a dash to magic to every mix! Highly recommended. "
"Benjamin and his team delivered me the horn section exactly as I wanted. Hope we will do more soon!"