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6801 Hollywood Blvd Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I will be your professional EDM ghost producer!
collaborator // creator // performer.
I’ll make your songs relatable & quotable. Over 10 Mill streams on my own Music
Hello! I`m a Musician, Songwriter & Sideman since 90`s. Since 2016, I`m working in this loved area as a Music Producer. Here you can find my musical production space: https://ecletikamente-music.bandcamp.com I would love to produce your low-cost project, offering to you my remote mix and digital mastering services.
I cook the heat
Superior technique and feel. Started playing at the age of 5! I'm a staple musician and artist in my city and across Canada. Travis Barker asked, "Who's this Lizzi?" When speaking to my friend who handles all big artists that come to the city. Won an EMA MTV award in Liverpool.
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We are a one-stop-shoppe Nashville-based songwriting and production duo. We can topline, create songs from scratch, and offer song-finishing services. We deliver a unique perspective on EDM, electro-pop, synth-pop, and future bass. We have international features that have been placed on Spotify editorial playlists. Let’s make 🔥
Recent Successes
"Very patient and very professional! He will work with you until the song exceeds your expectations! So kind, incredible work "
"Amazing artist. Goes way above and beyond the call of duty. Just a real pleasure working with someone so damn talented. Can't wait to colloborate with him again soon. Thanks man. "
"Sent paul my second track and he killed again!! i highly recommend him!!"
"Faster!! Professional singer!! I'm satisfied!! thank's!"
"Alan has mastered two projects for me and he's done excellent work on both of them! He is professional and responsive. Will definitely be working with him again the future "
"mPhATic is quite a creative and multi-talented Producer! Great High quality video nicely mixed to my song! "
"Exceptional job! Bob really brought this song to the next level with his attention to detail on both production and mixing. The track sounds full, professional, and is everything I could have hoped for. Will definitel..."