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55041 Camaiore Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Destiny Audio Recording is owned and operated by Dave Storms and is dedicated to providing artists high quality recordings at a reasonable cost. Certified by the Berklee College of Music in Studio Production, Dave will work closely with you to realize your goals.
I am a songwriter and producer with a special interest in J-Rock, Anime, and OSTs.
Max is a London based Mixer / Engineer / Producer who enjoys working on productions that are HiFi, LoFi and everything in between.
I am confident and have a great amount of ideas and lyrics when it comes to writing a rap song. I'm your guy if you ever need someone to help you write a rap song of any description or if your struggling for ideas. I'm your man. Ready to work with any Rappers. I purely handle the songwriting aspect of the song.
I am a very experienced music producer/ multi instrumentalist/ session singer/ song writer and have been in the business for over 40 years. Working from my own studio I can bring a wealth of experience and creativity to your project, providing broadcast quality recording remotely for your production. I am based in Leicestershire, UK
I specialise in hip-hop and RnB beats and songwriting. My sound is fresh and unmatched.
Award Winning Music Producer with over 15+ Years experience, worked with BBC 1XTRA and had my music played by world class DJs such as Gorgon City, Don Diablo and Groove Armada.
I am a full time touring Australian DJ/ Producer making my next lead into creatingoriginal radio original house music.
Recent Successes
"Mutunal Music took my song to another level giving it exactly the energy and composition it needed! He has a great feel for when and where to use certain sounds and a large catalog of high quality samples! I would rec..."
"Andrew is such a talented vocalist. He adapted what I wanted very quickly, meanwhile brought his personal interpretation to the song. It is a great pleasure to work with him. "
"Awesome! I'm very pleased of the mastering which Wes made for us. Ultra high level. "
"Ben brought his considerable musical and vocal firepower to bear on my new song. The result was a perfect foundation for the remaining production. In fact, his acoustic guitar track and vocals are so good that they re..."
"Working with Perry has been a privilege. Professionalism and talent is on a whole other level. Thank you for adding your wicked flare to my tracks, they are now something extremely special and something I'm proud to s..."
"Caslo is a beast. Positive, communicative, quick, and most importantly extremely talented at what he does. He took my simple track and elevated it with an engaging beat and a fat 808 bass line. I'll absolutely be work..."
"Always great :D "
"Fred is professional, skilled and talented!! I hope to work with him again. "