Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 4dots
Music producer/mixing engineer with a passion for sonic storytelling, specialized in rock and metal (including extreme genres).
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Ready to elevate your music? As a seasoned composer and producer with 15+ years' experience, I can assist. My work, recognized at the Goya Awards, HMMA, and Latin Grammy, has amassed over 20 million Spotify streams and credits from Universal and Warner Music.
Musical Producer & Singer!
3 years of studio experience so far. I am looking to extend my portfolio and gather more experience by working with you. Lets create something great together. I`m into rock and blues and pop/rock and jazz and all that good stuff.
The diference bewtween something well done and something perfect is in the little details.
We don't work in the factory style. All our work is handcrafted according to the needs and aspiration of our customers. We have the trust of artists like GIMS, Soolking, DJ Kore, ZED, Kader Japonais, Kamilya Ward, Elams... Let's talk about your project together and see how we can put the best of it, Together.
I am a producer and mixing/mastering engineer, specialising in all genres of electronic music. My prices are low as this is my first professional endeavour and i am looking to establish a client base. Please don't hesitate to contact me, even if you are only seeking advice or still contemplating what services you require. Looking forward! - Jack
Multifaceted Digital Music Production - I will passionately and professionally help you address any auditory/production needs you might have to take your project to a level beyond. Specializing in hip-hop / beatmaking, EDM / electronic / house / dance / DnB, pop, and modern styles of music.
Billboard-recognized producer, mixer, and mastering engineer specializing in indie pop and folk music as well as vocal tuning, voice editing and post-production sound.
Recent Successes
"You can't get any more pro than Jessie. Her vocals took my track to the next level and she delivered exactly what this site promises. Very easy to work with and 100% professional."
"Great job as always. Great communicator. always a pleasure to work with tony."
"Amazing Work!!!! Dude is a force to be reckoned with. His songwriting is second to none and he never disappoints. He is the real deal. If you are thinking about using him, think no more. This dude is the truth! Not to..."
"Excellent work, unbelievably speedy turnaround. High recommended for quality of work, professionalism and punctuality. "
"Exactly what I was looking for! Outstanding performance and very high quality recordings. Love what he did with my track. Highly recommended!"
"Austin did a great job with my mix and gave me exactly the sound I was looking for!"
"Chance is not only a talented producer, but also a wonderful musician. He added so much to my track and I'm proud to share this song with my fans. Highly recommend. "
"Very easy to work with! Lenny also did a revision for me and he hit it out of the park!"
"Jimmy dialed in the low end of this country song perfectly! All of the little slides, octave changes to swell the energy at the right time, walks to keep it interesting - it was all pro-level and blew me away! I got w..."
"Absolutely amazing!!! Very talented and professional sound. The track was done faster than expected with complete care of how you want it to sound with continuous feedback. I will not be going to anyone else to get p..."
"Loved every moment working with SUVI! Very helpful and informative, brought all my visions to life sonically, looking forward to making plenty more future material with her soon "