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4665 Oftringen Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixing engineer, studio technician, live sound engineer, front of house engineer, monitor engineer and Dj
I will mix and/or master your tracks to get your content sounding professional to any listener.
Clear, pristine, and very affordable audio mastering with over 15 years of experience. I use a combination of several different softwares and plugins in order to achieve a great quality master that translates well on all sound systems. I would love the opportunity to show you what I can do with your music today!
Hey everyone! I'm an old-school philosophy record producer, audio engineer and mix engineer working in a digital world. I'm the guy who will tell you to "do it again.", to "give me another one." I'm the guy who will go the out-of-the-box route to get a really great sound. I'm the guy who has the best interest of your song/project in mind.
My ultimate goal is to push your music in the TOP charts. I composed, mixed, and mastered music for a variety of artists whose songs have received millions of streams on streaming platforms. Certified by the Abbey Road Institute as an engineer and music producer.
Experienced singer, guitarist, songwriter
Award and scholarship winning session guitarist Mathias Lunde here! I've been a professional guitarist for the past seven years and I've gained lots of experience through countless gigs and recording sessions. Artists I've worked for include GIVĒON, Kurt Carr, Carola, Sam Tompkins, Hins Cheung +++ Let's work!
I do it right and the way you want it.
Recent Successes
"Frank did a great job on a recent tune i was producing for a songwriter from NY. He was a total pro . He took direction and brought his own thing to the recording. I'll use him again ! "
"89key is an incredible person to work with. Can’t get enough of it! "
"I am so very pleased with the results Pizzi gave me for his remixes of Matti Charlton "I Can't Find You". He worked so hard and I would love to work with him again, I have nothing but great things to say about this gu..."
"Choose Sara! She’s great! Her vocals are extremely professional! She was able to take a simple rough idea and turn it into something amazing. She sticks to deadlines perfectly and doesn’t sacrifice quality to do so..."
"Blake was amazing to work with! I was absolutely thrilled with the final result. Thank you Blake!"
"a true professional. if you leave im some creative freedom he will deliver really good ideas :) coming back for more !"
"Amazing analog sound, David is a great guy who’s really interested in great results through all the process, we‘ll be back !!! Thanks a lot ! "
"Another great song, amazingly enough.. feels like we are on to something new with soundbetter and Sara's godlike vocals lol."