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45320 Courtenay Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I Can produce an original and full Score, or Pop, EDM music Mixed and Mastered. i can add action, mystery, tense, to your project. If you got something special in mind, just send me any reference and I can produce something similar I will include 3 revisions
We have the ideal place for you to give shape to your musical projects supported by people from the group music industry with more than 30 years of experience.
I will be the professional Singer, Songwriter and Vocal producer for your Pop, EDM, RnB songs.
Bring your ideas to life through BDYR Studios.
The future is now. Please have a listen to the BEFORE and AFTER sample on the right of this page =>>>
Estudio de grabacion para artistas emergentes
I can produce a variety of genres of Eletronic Dance Music, especially House, Techno Progressive House and Melodic House/ Techno.
I specialize in mixing rock and metal genres. I'm easy to work with, my pricing is fair, and I'm passionate about creating great sounding music. Send me your raw tracks and I'll mix them into a coherent and well balanced professional recording. More samples of my work are available on my website www.stevenmeloneyrecording.com/mywork.
Recent Successes
"I asked Mark to mix a vocal track for me. My recording was not of a great quality nor is my voice, but Mark managed to make me sound good. I basically asked him to turn a hamburger into a steak and he did it!"
"Dustin did a very nice job. He got and understand the groove. My song sounds more mutch better. I really recommend you to work with him. :) "
"Awesome! Takes your work as you would!"
"Andres is a talented mastering engineer. He pays more attention to details and transients in the music, than most mastering engineers do. It is a pleasure to see him apply fluent polishing of a track, while giving ind..."
"super fast turnaround super friendly very patient definitely recommended"
"Cute makes magic out of what your idea started as. Bringing out the best of every-time and is both humble and kind!!! dont sleep on working with Cute!!!"
"Great master! I'm very happy with the end result and Jonas was very efficient. Highly recommend!"