Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 4 1 purpose
Professionally and personally tailored songs, beats and production all mixed by ears with 13+years of experience. I have developed 100s of Indie level artist and produced for film and television.
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Get your music mixed through professional standards to get the sound you need!
Music Producer and Audio Engineer from the Netherlands.
Inspiring Artist from Chicago - I record music within the Hip-Hop / Emo-Rap genres. As my main priority is creation, I am also more than happy to accept opportunities within acting as a lyricist. I am very passionate in new sounds and rhythms and greatly enjoy writing to them. With that being said, I am also willing to do features!
Professional singer/producer/songwriter whose most important concern is making the track unique and specifically mirror the artist/songwriter's personality.
Composer and producer from Munich, active in various music projects that have reached over 1.5 million streams on Spotify so far.
Im a music producer with experience on selling beats online for 4 years. i can make a lot of styles of music such as Trap, R&B, Drill, Boombap and more.
You can check my artwork so you can judge if you like it.
I'm a bass player with 15 years experience in Pop, Jazz, Rock and Hiphop music, I have a Master of Arts in Jazz music and I have a Master as audio engineer from At the Place Studio.
Recent Successes
"I do not prefer working with a same artist over and over again, but Brandon makes me break my rules. He is thrift, accurate, and kind. Always recommended for any musicians who require any kind of guitar works done."
"Working with Brent is always wonderful. His patience, talent, expertise and subtlety make the projects come alive in the greatest ways. He's an engineer and an artist at the same time. I would highly recommend him!"
"Holden has everything you would want from a producer- talented, professional, communicative, and passionate about music. Though I should also add patient as I usually have more than a couple requests for changes. He..."
"Great work and very patient with any change you need to make to find the sweet spot. "
"Joey is the Best, his vocals were perfect for the track, and he is very professional !!"
"Nath was so great, we did 2 jobs in a row :)"
"Can't say enough about how great it is to work with Justin. We keep coming back!"
"Amazing and unique vocalist delivering genuine creativity with an exquisite topline melody, totally appreciating my vision for the song. A clear and concise workflow helped to make a great experience - highly recomme..."