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31020 San Vendemiano Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Mark Caldwell and I have been a bass player, engineer and producer for over 20 years. I got my start in South Florida, but now I live in Music City: Nashville, Tennessee. I can't wait to get to know you and create something great together
I've been in the trenches, recording bands, and solo artists, since 1972. A quick look at my resume, and you'll see I've worked in just about every music genre.
The right bass track will help to support your song and help drive all its moving pieces forward. I can bring you that track.
As LOVEPEACETRANQUILITY POPE, I’ll have you know, discover modes as we go, it’s prosody it’s prose, hold your breathe hoes, while waiting time slows, development n growth, In hot sands Issa oath don’t loaf. The most high come close, loaded at the lowest, mediation lotus, goated on opponents, defining moments, without fortune never was old it,
Beginner or expert I am excited to work with you! I have produced and mixed a LOT of music and am always looking to help others out with my creative mind and technical skill.
Find your sound with one of our producers at F Y K Sound. We specialise in custom made productions made to suit your personality and style, making cutting edge instrumentals for almost any genre (Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Electronic etc.) and dozens of sub genres within each.
I'm a UK based recording engineer / producer / mixer who specialises in genres of music that require a modern approach to production. I work out of my bespoke private studio Loud Noises Production located in Staffordshire, West Midlands.
Recent Successes
"Amazing work as always!"
"Top notch work as usual! You won't be disappointed"
"Great job. It's always a pleasure to work with Austin. He works professionally and fast."
"Good to have Bram on my track every time, absolutely talent! "
"Jeff is Amazing. This is the first song I have ever made and he blew me away with his results. I have had a couple of people master this song and it always sounded like it could be better. So I heard all the great thi..."
"Another song and the collaboration was fine again. A creative experience from Rudy who wants the song to sound its best every time. Best regards and see you next time soon"
"Anton has really come through for us on several songs now. Working with him on this last one, Looking For Love, was a particularly great experience. "
"Recurring customer here: Jonas is my trusted master engineer - and he always does an excellent job. Try his services and you'll see :-)"