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29649 Mijas Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I won a Grammy in 2019 for the New Age Album, "Opium Moon". I have 40+ years experience playing on over 1000 movies, including Frozen 1 and 2, Moana, Black Panther, X-Men, Transformers and Batman. Countless TV episodes and records. I am both a session player and a live musician. I have performed with the LA Phil and many other local orchestras.
Music isn't just about the sounds it produces. Many people look to it as a general learning and study aid. In fact, counting beats in music can help you do more than learn to sing or play an instrument. In this article, you'll learn how music education can be useful on a daily basis.
I approach mixing from a emotional performance based perspective. I find the story in the song and help bring that out in the listeners experience.
I am a songwriter and producer/artist for Bump Into Genius/Warner Chappell Music Publishing. I merge different genres of music, as well as produce, and write music for other artists such as Snoop Dogg, French Montana, Yg, Sam Bruno, Bianca Ryan, Fabian Mazur, and many others. I pride myself on being able to write and perform in different genres
Let's get you the best version of your track!
I'm a singer/songwriter and session vocalist with over fifteen years of experience. I write/record pop and indie/pop top lines and harmonies. I've written for BMG, been playlisted on Spotify's Fresh Finds Pop Playlist, and featured in Billboard. I'm also a viral Tiktok creator known for my celebrity singing impressions.
I will work with you to create the great sounding drum parts your song needs. With over 27 years of experience playing in a variety of genres, I can help you get the beat you are looking for.
If you looking for the classical sound of rap and hip-hop for your projects, I can deliver it for you. Enjoy a authentic analog vibe of the ‘90s with a modern touch. Social media, CD or radio ready tracks, it's a matter of your choice and needs
Recent Successes
"Gus is a delight to work with - polite, professional and follows instructions in every detail. He works fast with no delays, and the quality of the finished vocals he recorded for me on this project and on previous p..."
"Dylan's become my go-to drummer! Whatever sound you're going for, he's got the drums and mics to nail the vibe. "
"Second time Stephen delivers! As last time the delivery was fast, and the product had high quality! Highly recommend!"
"Ryan was a pleasure to work with! Came in with great ideas, and has a very good songwriting and melodic sense. Helped my track come to life!"
"Eric is a great vocalist to work with. He adapted his vocal style to suit my song perfectly at my request, and was very happy to make revisions to ensure every line was sung as I needed it. Great attention to detail..."
"Ghosteffects really made my song come alive. I was honestly surprised with the outcome. The equipment I used wasn't the best but with the right engineer anything is possible. Thanks ghosteffects"
"Vic is an incredible mix engineer! He makes sure you are not only happy with your song but that it’s the best it can possibly be. He is very patient and compassionate and treats the project like his own. One of the be..."