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21745 Hemmoor Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hey I'm Cheshy and I'm your vocalist! My voice can be found in television commercials, video games, dance clubs, and discos worldwide. Most recently, my vocals have appeared in adverts for PayPal, The Netflix Drama Celebrity, and featured in the Ninjala soundtrack. I'm a one-stop production, vocal and writing powerhouse. Let's get to work!
Who Says Mixes Can't Be Clean and Affordable? Graduating at the top of my class and working at one of Atlanta's premier studios, I know exactly what you are looking for! Ask me about some of my projects!
Dove Award winning producer and musician ready to help you craft your song or project now.
Need an instrumental to be built from scratch? Want your vocals to shine? Worried that your recordings are too quiet and noisy? Or perhaps you just don’t know how your song should sound… well, look no further!
My focus while mixing doesn't just lie on setting the levels right, adding some fandy effects and getting the song ready for mastering. For me, it's about developing a sonic and artistic vision for the end result and helping you achieve that goal. At the end, a mix should satisfy you as an artist while also meeting professional standards.
Hello I'm Hicaro, and I stated my journey in music when I was 8 years old. I will record a professional drum for your song, always looking for the best sound
Gold Record certified | 400,000,000 streams | Producer | Multi-Instrumentalist. My ultimate goal is to help bring your vision to life.
Signed on: Warner Music, Sony Music, Future House Cloud, Magic Music, Melodicity Recordings, and many more. Also supported by Justin Prime, Hardwell, Nicky Romero, W&W, STVW, Maurice West, SaberZ, and more.
Recent Successes
"Robert and I have been working together for awhile so he knows how to transcribe tunes to my liking. He is willing to take the time to learn what his client is looking for and will not stop until you are 100% satisfie..."
"Another fine job on lead and bkgs. Also, everything was done right on schedule."
"Francesca is a very dedicated and open minded musician. She is very cooperative and efficient as well. Furthermore, the drums she added is a true complement to the music because she played for the song! A pleasure t..."
"Brian is professional, kind, and wickedly talented. He is very knowledgable about music and is great and implementing ideas that you have. He'll make sure your track is ready to not only to stand among the high qualit..."
"Mike is a real pleasure to work with and an excellent player with great touch and a fantastic sounding kit. Everything went very smoothly and he packaged all the stems perfectly to make it easy to import into the proj..."
"10/10 very professional and kind person to work with and makes your projects sound great!"