Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 2020 ASCAP Harold Adamson Lyric Awardee
If you're looking for a versatile, creative 2020 ASCAP lyric awardee, singer/songwriter, who goes above and beyond! I'm your girl. I'm well versed in a range of genres from R&B/Soul, Reggae, Neo-Soul, Easy Listening, Soft Rock to Classical.
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Freelance Recording Engineer / Session Musician available for hire. I'm Co-founder / owner of Free The Spirit Recording Studios in Wakefield.
My goal is to be a breath of fresh air to the vision of your music. I bring soaring male vocals with captivating melodies, refined harmonies, and nostalgic lyricism to the table. I've studied with Grammy-nominated vocal coach Janet Planet, and have tens of thousands of hours in front of a microphone. Let's make some beautiful music together.
Hi! We are a collective of creatives operating on all facets within music making. Our team consists of songwriters, producers, and mixing/mastering engineers with various musical backgrounds. We operate in a wide variety of genres.
My goal is always to keep the process simple and deliver a job just as the client requests, in the specified time and with clear communication.
Hello my name is keenan kenlyles jackson im a producer/songwriter My sound is influenced by all of my musical influences throughout my lifetime I was born on the West Coast but raise in New Orleans I am a fan of golden era East Coast hip-hop and R&B funk and jazz as well late 70s early 80s yacht rockI have a love and appreciation for all genres
Ginine Emily is a powerhouse vocalist and songwriter out of Seattle, WA. who's trained with Stevie Mackie (The Voice) & Dave Kyle (Ann Wilson, Steven Tyler). She has a unique & emotional vocal tone, and can sing in a variety of styles, range and tone. She can take your track to the next level! She has both classical & contemporary training/exp.
I will compose a piece for you to your liking. I can do many types of pieces and any sort of style you ask of.
At this phase of my career, I have engineered talented upcoming artists out of London as well as recording and engineering actors reels, sound designing plays and jingles - delivering clear, impactful mixes. I bloom where I am planted, have top tier plugins and fundamentally, make it my goal to ensure all my clients walk away happy & satisfied!
Recent Successes
"Marcello is passionate and succeeds in equalling my passion for songwriting every time. He is a perfectionist who will always go the extra mile for you and is very personable. Although I have never met him in person..."
"Dan proved to be the perfect drummer to help make this album. He was open to feedback and approached this project with passion and creativity. I can undoubtedly say that the album would be worse off if we had another ..."
"Joey is a absolute pro, would for sure work with him again"
"Awesome player with great energy and approaches! Brian laid town a selection of groovin' solo tracks for my project. Excellent sound quality, content, execution and approaches. Highly recommended! "
"Very very happy. I had the worst connectivity ever while in very rural mountains, yet it still worked out. Mia was great, she had a process yet the end product was almost spookily what I originally envisioned. I liked..."
"Marko has done it yet again with another epic set of vocals for me! He took the time to immerse himself with the song to get the best performance possible. That is what you want to hear from any vocalist you hire!"
"I came to Andy with a piece of paper with a song lyric on it. He said "leave it with me..." After one week he got back to me with a demo to listen to - and he nailed it! HE BROUGHT MY SONG TEXT TO LIFE WITH ABSOLUTE..."