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146 Piedmont Ave Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Our service gives tracks the strength they need to stand out to new fans and remain competitive.
GLD Studio is a recording and mxing/mastering studio located in Montreal, Canada We are dedicated to your music as if it was ours and always do our best to make it sound like in your dreams !
I deliver powerful drums and impactful Mixes, the very heart and soul of heavy genres. I aim to make musicians happy and able to show proudly their music to the whole world on years to come!
Songwriter/artist on 'Black music specialties', Specially Soul, Funk, Reggae,Pop, Latin..etc 60s and 70s style. English, French and Spanish lyrics and music. I'm Used to work with labels, producers, musicians, artists etc
Creo instrumentales por gusto y admiración al arte de la música. Cada día aprendo más y mejoro en este ámbito. Estoy encantado de poder formar parte de tu proyecto, compartiendo así nuestra creatividad al crear música única y especial. Puedes contactar conmigo y damos paso al proyecto. ✌🏼
Mixing and Mastering Engineer based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Focused on achieving professional audio editing, mixing/mastering. Also offers the service of keyboard/synth recordings. Musician with 25 years of experience.
20+ years experience mixing, mastering and recording session tracks. I decided to get into providing mixing and mastering services because I was unable to find anyone to help me mix my last album. I tried multiple people, "grammy award winners", guys from major labels, and what I found out is those accolades don't translate to mixes that satisfied.
Strong well-trained sight-reading singer (Pop, Rock, Soul, Musical Theatre)
Recent Successes
"Camilo is the Magician! My 2nd project with him and Im 100% satisfied! Thanks Camilo : )"
"Outstanding vocalist! Highly versatile! Beautiful voice! Kimera is my go-to female vocalist for high quality, consistent performances."
"I have been working with Narcellie 4 times now. Narcellie has a beautiful voice and is creative. If I do not need creative, Narcellie takes directions with a positive attitude. She is so sweet and the recordings are..."
"Using Ghost effects for as long as I am alive. "
"Excellent, very polite, fast work, good communication and with excellent results, perfect master first time round!"
"High quality as usual from Charlie"
"Neel has once again excelled at mastering our song, consistently elevating our music to greater heights. Another well-deserved five-star rating!"
"Andres is the best! Superb masters once again, excellent service and professionalism and a joy to work with! Thanks once again!"