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1003 W Sunflower Rd Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Modern mixing and producing, young ears and big heart. Musician, record producer and mixer in Paris, France. I've been award winning and nominated at Mark Award and PMA's. rauzemery.com
I have the ability to make you hear beauty in any song you don't like.
I'm an Italian drummer, percussionist, composer, and music producer based in Budapest. I can record and program the drums for your productions (genre: funk, rock, jazz, pop, electronic, latin, R&B) editing-mix your tracks with professional tools, and compose music for your projects.
A male singer with a female colour. control falsettos for Thom Yorke/Rhye style and can also do high pitch Rocknroll voice. A music producer mainly in Electronic Folk style, Poolside like, 100bpm atmosphere electronic, with electric/acoustic guitar leaks and hooks that contributes the liveness of the songs. https://open.spotify.com/artist/76TkzrLBx
Dive into the captivating world of melodies and emotions with Thomas Lehmkühler. As a Composer, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Producer at the innovative Reality Studio (https://www.insStudio.de), Thomas has dedicated his life to the art of musical storytelling.
After being labeled as an ‘artist to watch for 2023’ by WeRaveYou & 1001Tracklist, I'm capable of mixing and touching the very edge of different styles, from Trance to Progressive, and House music. My productions are very energetic and range from House to Techno and Trance to Deep House.
Recent Successes
"What can I say about Daramola. This dude is an absolute BEAST. It literally took him one day to write, record and produce vocals for an entire instrumental I sent him, and the final product was amazing. Will defini..."
"This is the 2nd time we are working with Jenny and we only can give her the highest rating! Great vocal performance and interpretation of the song, fantastic recording quality, tracks delivered on time - top!"
"We had two tracks mastered by Andres. The mix coaching part is very good and useful for tweaking, shaping the sound to the way we want. Thanks again for the good quality of work!"
"Carlo was very quick and professional. He made my track sound great and I will definitely go to him in the future!"
"TURNING OUT HITS EVERY TIME!!!! Love working with Gosteffects. Thanks for the bops!"
"Taylor did an amazing job on mixing and mastering my tracks! His turnaround was prompt! He understood the vision of what I was looking for and was willing to work with me on creative decisions as well! Amazing work!"