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中国 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Львівські Зорі
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I am 16 years old. I have been doing this for a while now since 2012. I have came across a long journey to get where i am at now. I must say i am very blessed to have to this kind of talent and the opportunity to work with many artist. I have worked with many artists including BGK,Glo Gang Twins,Stark Mchz, Ice Kane, Sky TuT, and Gemini
Oasis, John Mayer, NIN, Paul McCartney, Blade Runner 2049, and much more. Los Angeles-based multiple Grammy-nominated Ghian Wright has been recording and mixing the biggest names in Rock and Pop for over 18 years. NEWS: -Recently co-wrote and mixed two feature songs for 2024 movie: One w Jon Batiste, and one w Keith Urban and Snoop!
I am a singer/songwriter and session vocalist who has worked with Burt Bacharach, Tonio K, Dave Koz and Harriet Schock. My songs have reached #2 on the Billboard Smooth Jazz Charts. My voice and music have been featured in The Brotherhood, Young & The Restless, All My Children, One Life To Live, The Osbournes and Melrose Place.
Black Lotus Music Group is a highly skilled team of mixing and mastering engineers with a keen ear for Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, and Trap music. The founder and head engineer has 10+ years of experience under his belt and has worked with the likes of Wiz Khalifa, Roy Woods, Tyga, and many more. Every member is vetted and has a college degree in audio.
I'm a producer with over 10 years of experience in electronic music production
A creative and powerful lyricist and vocalist. I have an extensive back catalogue under my artist name ST1 on Spotify etc. I have featured vocally on tracks for several producers worldwide. I cover most genres, ranging from Reggae and R&b to Hip Hop and Trap
Producer , Artist, Synth, Experimental music
+10 years being a music producer with great results.
Recent Successes
"really great performance - took my concept and added his own unique style that blended incredibly well where I could not tell my concepts from his - I will be back for more of that magic!"
"Natalis is an amazing singer and writer, but also have a great studio to finish the song at superb high-quality mixing and mastering. It's such a pleasure to work with great professionals."
"Made my song 🔥🔥🔥"
"Andres was great - very talented with a great ear. He gave good critiques and a couple of different options to choose from. Excellent jo b all around"
"Its so easy to work with Austin. The result is fantastic and i will come back to work again with him for sure. "
"Patrick is amazing and simply the best. He is talented beyond belief and a hard worker on top of that. I would definitely recommend him."
"It has been a real pleasure working with Andrés. He has been very professional, responsive, easy to communicate with and very patient throughout all the process. He’s always trying to match your expectations and he do..."
"Such a good guitarist even the drummer (Kyle Tupper) raved about Ziv’s awesome guitar work on my track."
"Ziv did a quick change on a sound I needed. His first try of course was perfect. He would make a ton of money at the county fair as a mind reader! It’s astonishing how he understands exactly what you need everytime yo..."
"Alex is amazing! I am very impressed by the level of expertise and professionalism demonstrated throughout the entire process. Will definitely be working with him again!"