Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 빌리 어코스티
Experienced recording engineer in search of expanding his expertise. Currently owner of my own diy recording studio. I've got experience with recording drums, bass, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, brass session and vocal recording for music and podcasts. Also have experience in mixing, mastering music on Pro tools and working with audiovisual
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I have been recording in my own studio and various others for many years. I work closely with all types of musicians to give them the most stress free time when employing me, whether it is recording a variety of different instruments, or just one guitar take. I aim to play for the song, so whatever serves the song best wins is my view.
Producing, mixing and recording! Making music and having fun!
Diplomato presso la SAE di milano, come ingegnere audio, a gennaio del 2019. Mi sono specializzato nel missaggio e nel mastering, e nella pulizia delle clip audio con RX Graduated from the SAE of Milan, as an audio engineer, in January 2019. I specialized in mixing and mastering, and cleaning audio clips with RX
I mainly create realistic and abstract animated 3D imagery, but I also do a lot of graphic design for musicians, like vinyl artworks and album covers.
Classic top-Quality sound, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, also Producer and Ghost Producer.
Passion, faith, love
Being a part of the music business in such a diverse town as Nashville, TN has taught me how to honor any song with just what is needed for multiple genres. Whether you need drums/percussion added to your music or you have a great song that deserves a great mix I can help you achieve that.
Letrista , compositor , soy creador de temas para artistas y marcas comerciales. Indicame la tematica , el genero yo puedo hacerlo ...
Recent Successes
"Top stuff from Natalie. She has a great attention to detail and I'm really pleased with my recordings. Can only recommend."
"Ravia is such an amazing talent! I'm so glad I got her on board on my project. She got the feel of the track immediately and took it to the next level! Very easy to work with as well. She kept me posted at every step ..."
"Tim & Simon are excellent musicians, and responded to all questions or concerns promptly. They provided detailed feedback on the charts provided to them and suggested revisions. Tracks were recorded in high quality wi..."
"Felicia is amazing! She's super professional, talented and was extremely helpful in delivering what we need for our track :) Would highly recommend and def work with her again. Tks Felicia!"
"Tyree is the truth as I've said in so many other reviews now. Nails it every time. Such a pleasure to work with. Very creative. Very efficient. Very capable of bringing visions to life and bringing them to life even m..."
"Denny is a great artist for me, he feels very much into the project and has delivered beautiful vocals! :-) I'm looking forward to a new one with Denny "