Sidow Sobrino

Singer-songwriter, Producer

Sidow Sobrino on SoundBetter

Our passion is entertainment. I'm a singer-songwriter, music, and video producer. My Amir is being considered for GRAMMY® nominations in Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Album. Our work is distributed by The Orchard, a SONY subsidiary. I travel the globe creating, appearing in TV shows and films, and I'm a proud member of SAG-AFTRA and ASCAP.

I am a man who believes in God, love, respect, and family. Compassionate and open, I express myself without reservations and take bold steps where others might hesitate. Blessed with the gift of being captivating and sensational, I seek to stand out, not fit in.

Living extravagantly, I enjoy only the finest and never settle for less. Fully aware of my self-worth, I remain untamed and follow my own rhythm. As a rebel and leader, I’m committed to daily improvement and giving my best in everything I do.

Courageous and humorous, I’m a lover ready to satisfy, spoil, and fascinate with endless adventures. I master excitement and treat you as paramount in my presence. Driven by success, I am determined to achieve my goals, paving my own path as a magnet for all that is wonderful.

As a producer, I create to share my positive outlook. Celebrating each day as both the first and last, I believe art gives the world a voice. Through music and films, we spread awareness, expand minds, and open hearts. Let’s learn, share, and leave the world better than we found it.

Happy People, Let’s Dance!!!

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Discogs verified credits for Sidow Sobrino
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*
  • Diegodiego*


  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Interview with Sidow Sobrino

  1. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  2. A: Every project I’ve worked on has been a stepping stone to the next, and I don’t believe I’ve reached the ultimate masterpiece yet. Each project is a part of a larger journey, and it’s the drive to create something new and impactful that motivates me. My role has always been to blend creativity with intuition, pushing boundaries and evolving with each endeavor. The ongoing pursuit of excellence keeps me inspired and excited for what comes next.

  3. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  4. A: More on that on our official website at

  5. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  6. A: Both, Art should never be limited to just one thing or another, You work with all the tools you have.

  7. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  8. A: I make no promises.

  9. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  10. A: My career path has been a journey of dedication and growth for over 25 years. I’ve been deeply immersed in the entertainment industry, always striving to work with and around the best. Being a professional means more than just creating a product; it’s about continuous learning and evolving. I’m a proud union member, committed to collaborating with top talent and pushing the boundaries of my craft.

  11. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  12. A: Every second I'm alive

  13. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  14. A: When working with prospective clients, I ask questions that help me understand their vision and needs. For example: What are your primary goals for this project? – To ensure we’re aligned on objectives. Who is your target audience? – To tailor the work to resonate with the right people. What inspires you or influences your style? – To capture the essence of your preferences. What is your timeline and budget? – To plan effectively and manage resources. How do you define success for this project? – To measure outcomes and ensure satisfaction.

  15. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  16. A: For anyone looking to hire a provider like me, my advice is to be willing to go to space without a mask. Embrace the full, unfiltered creative journey and trust in the process. It's about diving into the adventure with openness and enthusiasm, knowing that the best results come from genuine, fearless collaboration.

  17. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  18. A: Forget the gear—I’d want five people with me. The real treasure is having companions to create with, perform alongside, dance, pray, and thrive together. It’s the connection and collaboration that make any experience truly extraordinary.

  19. Q: How would you describe your style?

  20. A: My style, which I call "Sidow Sobrino," is a unique blend of Pop, House, and Techno, reflecting my signature sound. It’s my clay and my art—crafted with creativity and intuition. Each track is designed to energize and connect with the audience, creating a theatrical experience that’s both memorable and engaging.

  21. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  22. A: I’d love to work with any artist who can make me dance, entertain me, and keep their name in my thoughts day and night. It’s not about the names pushed through marketing—it’s about the artists who truly make an impact and enter my orbit. If you’ve managed to do that, I recognize the talent and dedication it takes, and I’m eager to collaborate and create something extraordinary together.

  23. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  24. A: Don’t be afraid to break the rules. While it’s important to learn and understand the fundamentals, let your creativity lead the way. Art must be heartfelt, and relying too heavily on commercial rules might produce technically good music, but it can lack the authenticity that resonates with the audience. True connection comes from creating something original and personal, rather than following a formula.

  25. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  26. A: I usually work on music that blends Pop, House, and Techno—genres that, when mixed, create an electrifying experience. I always think about how performing live can connect us all, so I focus on crafting tracks that do just that. My music is like that perfect cup of coffee that not only wakes you up but makes you want to run, or like a cool shower that refreshes you when you need it most. These metaphors capture the theatrical experience my creations aim to deliver, making each performance a memorable and energizing journey.

  27. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  28. A: My strongest skill is blending creativity with intuition, turning raw ideas into compelling music and visuals that deeply resonate with the audience. I'm always seeking fresh, new approaches and pushing the limits to thrive. Entertainment is tough, so it’s essential to make the process fun in every way.

  29. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  30. A: I bring joy, energy, and dance to every song. Recognizing that music is the heartbeat of the universe, I strive to create a magical mix filled with adventure, movement, and excitement. My goal is to make each track so memorable that, after just one listen, the audience can’t get enough.

  31. Q: What's your typical work process?

  32. A: Our typical work process is guided by intuition—there's an inner voice that nudges us to tweak and refine throughout the creative journey. We're comfortable with deadlines, but we mostly dive in and don’t stop until our soul says, "It’s ready to go public." You just know when it’s right—the universe fills you with a sense of joy.

  33. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  34. A: We have a home studio that allows us to create freely—recording music, filming videos, and surrounding ourselves with creative tools.

  35. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  36. A: We grew up watching the Televisa Network in Mexico and, of course, Hollywood celebrities. As the leading production company of entertainers, actors, and performers, we were exposed to the best, and this drives us. We believe music and acting go beyond the magic of the public image.

Gear Highlights
  • Condenser Microphone
  • Headphones
  • iPad
  • Studio Monitors
  • and a lot of heart.
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More SamplesMusic Production, Songwriter, Recording Artist