Musician, singer, and songwrit, Anderson Falcão is a multifaceted artist whose musical journey reflects the cultural richness of his origins. Immersed in a vibrant artistic environment from a young age, his interest in music awakened very early on.
Musician, poet, designer, and visual artist. Founder of the Design for Life Platform, Oriki Design, and the creative mind behind Design Week Salvador. His artistic expression embraces diversity, seasoned with Afro-cultural influences that characterize Bahia.
His musical journey began at a very young age, involving projects such as the Multicultural Interart Group and the Geração Nômade Band. His latest work, released in installments and available on all music platforms, is a piece that reflects his history and memories.
Accompanied by his band, Anderson Falcão invites you on a sonic journey with this work that aims to transcend boundaries with the beauty and diversity of Brazilian Popular Music (MPB), influenced by the sea and hinterlands of Bahia.
Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.
- Portuguese

- Singer - MaleAverage price - $70 per song
- Songwriter - MusicAverage price - $70 per song
- Acoustic GuitarAverage price - $70 per song