Pillars of Light Music

Composer, Music Production

Pillars of Light Music on SoundBetter

Hello My name is Harlan Mark Vale and I have a small studio in Prescott, AZ. I studied 20th Century Composition, Electronic Music and Audio Engineering at The Evergreen State College. My experience comes from writing, recording, mixing and releasing my own music for many years. I am able to use this experience to help you bring your ideas forward.

I am an independent multi-instrumentalist composer/performer whose roots are in explorations into analog synthesis and free jazz improvisation. Growing from that seed, today I have focused primarily upon creating soundscapes for alternative health therapies, guided meditations and spiritual environments for sacred wisdom traditions from around the world. My production ethic is centered around a sound design approach that supports instrumentation, feeling, emotion, narration, poetry and a holistic inquiry to life. The results of which have led to creating music that is both visual and storytelling in nature. So the genres which tend to be my strengths are ambient, new age, minimalism, soundtrack, experimental and hybrid sonic portraits.
I have no real acoustic studio space and my productions are done almost totally "inside the box". Neither do I have any big league credits to plug or endorse, yet I have passionately produced a large body of unique work to draw upon. What I do have is over 40 years of experience facilitating my own needs as a composer. This experience becomes valuable customer service when it is shared with other people in a collaborative action towards the realization of a common good. Your vision, manifest. I humbly offer my services to the world with an open heart and a willingness to grow further as a person as well as to promote this art form. Thank you

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.

Terms Of Service

All forms of appreciation are welcome including cash, check, credit card, PayPal, bitcoin, gold, barter and trade. All terms, revisions and turnaround times are negotiated within project budget prior.

Gear Highlights
  • Mac Mini
  • Reaper
  • Reason
  • Logic Pro X
  • Ozone
  • DSP Quattro
  • PreSonus AudioBox 1818VSL
  • ADK Odin
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SoundBetter Deal

10% off all services

  • PayPal.meJan 11, 2021
