
Orlando's premier destination for Indie as well as major artists that are looking for a true, organic sound. From the entry level artist to the Audiophile, our goal is to serve the MUSIC, and the artist in YOU.
“Silence is our Canvas”
Quality without compromise is our mission. Phat Planet Recording Studios exists for the serious musician. Our equipment, resources and expertise create a unique tonality and sound quality that cannot be emulated. As technology evolves, our studios continue to innovate. We explore the leading edges of modern sound while retaining the best of the classic and vintage. Our talented engineers incorporate the latest advances and techniques, in a continuing effort to further the state of the art of the music industry. At Phat Planet we don’t just record, we craft music to the highest level of quality, inspiring artists to achieve their best. Let us help you achieve your dream sound! Phat Planet Studios strives to provide world-class sound while meeting the needs of each individual artist. We’re a community of seasoned musicians, engineers and producers dedicated to bringing your music to life. We have the ears, the expertise, and the knowledge; you have your talent and vision. Our experienced A&R and development team focuses on designing a unique production plan for each and every client, which is crucial for a successful studio session. A consultative approach with your personal A&R representative will cover all the details before, during, and after recording, from pre-production planning to release. Check us out and see what's in store for your music!
Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.
- One Direction
- Irene Cara
- LL Cool J
- Wanya Morris (Boyz II Men)
- Group 1 Crew
- Little Milton
- Julie Andrews
- Ross Lara
- David Grisman & Tony Rice
- Jane Pauley
- Giovanni Hidalgo
- Tito Nieves
- Sex Slaves
- Bruce swedien
- Martin Charnin (Annie)
- Najee
- Melba Moore
- Monty Alexander
- Michael Winslow
- Boyce Avenue
- Island/Def Jam Music Group
- Berklee College of Music
- Sony Music Entertainment UK
- Bad Boy Entertainment
- ITV Creative London
- Walt Disney Company
- HBO Creative
- Cirque du Soleil
- World Wrestling Entertainment
- SRC Universal Music Group
- Deep Fried Entertainment
- MTV/Viacom
- Hal Leonard Publishing
- WUCF Radio
- HH Advertising
- Acoustic Disc Records
- Chasin Records
- Epitaph Records
- Curb Records
- Selwyn Birchwood
- EJ Hughes
- EJ Hughes
- King's Brass
- Selwyn Birchwood
- Gretchen Chell Cover
- Miguel Bonachea
- Vero Duo
- King's Brass
- Tim Zimmerman
- Tony Succar
- William McDowell
- William McDowell
- Robert Pierre
- Tarralyn Ramsey
- Steve Walters
- Tropical Motivation
- Lane Thaw
- The Teague Stefan Band
- The Teague Stefan Band
- The Teague Stefan Band
- Kool Keith
- Michael Petrovich
- Michael Petrovich
- Bonz
- Judson Green
- Bears & Lions
- Nikki Renée Daniels
- Mike Bloomer
- Chris Rottmayer
- Fernando Varela
1 Reviews
Endorse Phat Planet Studios- Recording StudioAverage price - $1000 per day
- Mixing EngineerAverage price - $500 per song
- PianoContact for pricing
- SO much gear! Contact us for a complete PDF of gear and mics!