Gwen Recording Studio

Recording, Mixing, SoundDesign

Gwen Recording Studio on SoundBetter

I am an Acoustic Technician from the University of Le Mans (Higher Acoustic degree in Europe), integrated Sound Design courses at ESBAM and I worked the past 6 months as Chef Editor at EMST (National museum in Athens). Since 8 years, I worked with an extreme variety of collaborators, at first for band recordings, then for full video projects...

Gwen Recording Studio est conçu pour enregistrer et mixer votre musique autant en "re-re", qu'en live via un hardware moderne (22pistes), et en usant une technique innovante d'enregistrement à plusieurs salles isolées.
Notre studio est des plus compétents pour la production de clip vidéo renforçant votre enregistrement live (via caméras 2,7K et Adobe Premiere).
Aussi, en tant que musicien, je peux ajouter des pistes instrumentales à votre son, ou créer une oeuvre instrumentale complète pour vos besoins ou un documentaire...
J'ai travaillé en parallèle avec des entreprises pour la création du design sonore de leurs publicités. Si vous êtes une entreprise, la conception de votre identité / environnement sonore est possible.

Gwen Recording Studio is designed to record and mix your sound in re-re method or in live performance within a modern hardware (22inputs), using an innovative multi-room recording technique.
Our studio can produce a Video clip of your live performance, using 2,7K Cameras and Adobe Premiere.
Also, as a musician, I can add instrumental tracks on your song, or imagine a full instrumental project for your needs or a documentary...
I work also with companies to create the sound design of advertisements. If you are a company, the conception of your sound identity / environment is possible.

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.


Terms Of Service

My key words are Communication, Sound Exploration and Adaptation to your needs until perfection (using Agile method).
So, you are welcome to contact me and discuss about any sound project!

Gear Highlights
  • Tascam US-1800 (16in/4out)
  • SPD-SX (+2in/2out x8)
  • ART Hardwares / pair Beyer M80 (1965)
  • PGDMK6
  • SM57
  • Sennheiser e-840
  • t.bone SC-450... / KorgMicrostation
  • Acoustic & Trigged Drums
  • 2 Acoustic Pianos / MainRoom
  • Isolated Control Room
  • Reverb Room
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