Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ZukaNoBeat
💰I help artists make money 🌐+4M streams|172 tracks|115 artists|17 countries
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Dedicated, efficient, strives for excellence
With a decade of experience as a producer, artist and engineer, and a lifetime of musicality, and a team of creatives around me, my ear, direction, work ethic and amicable attitude continues to bring artists to the finish line with outstanding final products. Look no further for your next project, I can guarantee, whatever you need, I can provide.
I will write, record and sing for your music release! Styles can include Hip Hop, R&B, Jazz, Soul, Classical and Pop songs.
Produced records for Peter Doherty, Omar Rodríguez-López, At the Drive-In, Faust, Alice Phoebe Lou and many more. Own and mostly works at Hamburg‘s legendary Clouds Hill Studio.
Designster is the phenomenal company, headquartered in Florida, USA, that provides unlimited graphic designs at the fixed cost with unlimited revisions.
Audio enginer,
MDMDAAN is a self educated and self managing Music producer based in Alkmaar who's main focus is techno.
Audio engineer, music producer and guitarist with more than 10 years of experience
Recent Successes
"John is an experienced singer, songwriter and producer who's talent and skill converge naturally to create the music you envisioned. His initiative and enthusiasm gets him quickly to an amazing finished product, fir..."
"Es mi segunda vez trabajando con Camilo (esta vez fueron 3 temas en vez de 1 como la primera vez) y de nuevo quedo fascinado con el resultado. Un maestro en la masterizacion. 100% recomendable!"
"I think Tony is a natural talent. I've seen some YouTube videos with him. Vocal recordings appear to be taking place in a kitchen. Maybe his own. He does it well and his many years of experience benefits customers. Go..."
"Naomi’s vocs are a real treat, oozing character, style and vibe. I wasn’t expected a gem like this on sounds better. Thank you "
"The great job and good understanding of the client's wishes!"
"Awesome at what he does!"
"I know why you are here, reading this. Let me just save you some of your valuable time. Hugo is the best Saxophone player you will find. Just tell him what you want. Smooth, lyrical hooks? Shreddy fast late 80s e..."
"Amazing work! Aaron is fast, replies promptly, and always delivers great work! this has already been my third job working with him! "
"Dan is a legend. I've worked with him twice now. He's not only an awesome country guitarist but he's a lovely person. He always goes the extra mile and cares to make sure he gets what you want. I would highly recommen..."
"The top producer. Amazing!"