Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yvonne
With over a decade of crafting dynamic music in the genres of Electronic, Rock, and Pop, I bring a blend of unconventional contemporary style and expertise. I specialize in intricate Analog & Digital Synthesis, drawing from Ambient, Noise, and Synth Pop influences. My portfolio includes collaborations with artists from the UK, Spain, and Argentina.
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Brian is an LA based singer/actor. He's been a member of The Four Seasons with rock & roll hall of famer, Frankie Valli for over the past decade.
You need Cello recordings or arrangements for strings? Hit me up! Worked as Cellist and Arranger with Yvonne Catterfeld, Joris, Leslie Mandoki, Josin and a lot more.
If you are looking for a producer or mixer for almost any subgenre of pop, then I am your guy!
Roger Batting Remote Recording Drummer with over 30 years professional experience . Working on TV / Film / Radio and Touring. For Warner Brothers,Abbey Road , Producers such as Simon Gogerly ( U2 ) Dave Stewart ( Eurythmics ) Yvonne Catterfeld, Kevin Costner/The upside of Anger, BBC Wolf Blood,Incidental/ American idol/Big brother etc.etc.
Music is a language and I can never stop learning new vocabulary to articulate myself more clearly with it. It taps into the heart and soul of who I am. It is the place where I am fully able to be. Me. A husband. A father. It is the expression of the Divine Almighty in me. Through music I am free to worship unrestricted and unfiltered.
Mix engineer (both STEREO and DOLBY ATMOS) based in Eastbourne on Englands south coast, with over 30 years experience. Clients include Snow Patrol, Matt Redman, Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin, Martin Smith, Delirious, Kathryn Williams, and major industry firms such as Polydor, Capitol Records, Disney, Taylor guitars and Universal Music Group.
Recent Successes
"Wes is awesome. I have done so many jobs with him I have lost the ability to say how awesome he is in a new way. He is just awesome. Work with him."
"Worked with Brandon many times and it’s always a fantastic experience all around! Highest recommendation!! "
"Riley is amazing the songs are abousloutly fire. He was very prompt and knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way. I felt like a big part of the project as I should and was blown away by the end result! Mus..."
"Really loved working with Gary and his team. I had him mix 3 songs and he outsourced the mastering to a great contact he had. The mixes were very clean and professional. He gave great tone to the vocals and over all m..."
"Definitely an awesome artist too work with. Tony works fast and communication is perfect. Thank you "
"Felix is a great guitarist. Great sound, fast response to feedback and clear communication. I definitely enjoyed working with him."
"Sergio did a great job on the project, with an outstanding performance, high quality recording and a very quick turnaround, very impressed!"
"This is actually my second time working with Alex, the first time was a collab with another artist, and he did an amazing job on both songs. He's really easy to work with, understands what you're going for, and delive..."
"Another great performance from Shelley and a joint effort to elevate this track to the next level. It is a great pleasure to work with her. Looking forward to the next project. "
"I was very pleased with Isaac on this song. I hadn't done music in a few years, and kind of lost the fire. But after working with Isaac i'm glad to be getting back to it. Can't wait to work with him again."
"Greatest drummer on soundbetter!! "
"Love working with Vesislava, she brings her own creativity into every track and is a joy to work with."