Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with YSCL
Your Electronic Music expert - my artist name is Exotha, and apart from releasing my own music on top quality labels, such as Nocta Numerica, I provide mixing, mastering and production services.
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I am the Ceo of Prosper Recordz and the owner of Prosper Recordz Recording Studio. I take pride in the work I do for other artists and labels. I am looking to have an extensive career in enginnering and adding the shine and polish to the records that everyone sends in.
AR MASTERING is a Mastering studio, we have the highest quality equipment, acoustic design, with experience of more than 12 years dedicated to mastering and 17 years in the world of audio, with more than 500 works made between singles, Eps and albums. , we work in all musical genres with the best prices on the market.
I am a funk and ambient guitarist and composer available to record, arrange and produce music.
Brazilian Producer, Mixer and Instrumentalist with lots of experience in acoustic, world, soundtracks and electronic music. I can mix your music, add some brazilian swing with my bass or acoustic and electric guitars or add some exotic instruments like the 10 strings Viola, Marimbau or some cool electronics. Not commonplace at all.
Lebanese music producer, composer, songwriter, singer, oud and keyboard player. All genres production, audio editing, vocal comping and tuning (+oriental)
Specializing in mixing / mastering Southern and Bluegrass Gospel music.
I have recorded on 200+ albums of all genres from hip-hop to pop, from folk/roots to straight ahead jazz. What I can give you is the real sound of these instruments respectful of your genre.
After years of training and being mentored from some of the best engineers worlwide i'm here to help artists and producers to get the right final sound for their music.
Recent Successes
"Been a pleasure!, made the track reach it’s full potential yet again"
"Tyler was fast, professional, and most importantly the mix sounds huge. Also appreciate all deliverables he gave.. would 100% recommend"
"Just did my 3rd collaboration with Maisie. Maybe the first time it's a coincidence, maybe the second time its luck but the third time? It can only be pure talent then. Maisie is good....really good!"
"We came back to working with Sander, after we loved his last work so much. Yet again we are thrilled with the result. Absolute pro, perfect communication and very kind person."
"Perfect harmony. Beautiful result. Incorporated suggestions just like I asked, and came up with innovative harmony that really lifted the song. "
"I've never worked on anything that had been mastered to this high degree. Everyone hears things differently but to my ears his sound is more smooth, dimesional, and flattering than most. That translates to being "easi..."
"No one is better and more patient on here than Gost. Whether full mix or revisions."