Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Xpeakerbox
Creativity is everything.
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John Kilgore Sound & Recording features vintage mics and preamps, a very fine Yamaha C6 piano, vintage Gretsch drums as well as many vintage guitars and amps. Block booking or hourly rates available.
My name is Nadav, and i'm a soundtracks composer. I started composing music 13 years ago and since then I can not stop.
Hey if your looking for the next biggest producer haha keep looking because I'm not it lmao but what I can provide for u are some dope bangers I have beats that will blow ur speakers literally lol I can sample I can start from scratch if I had to main genre's im really good at it would be trap music and r&b
Amir has worked for many years as a music producer, composer and songwriter in London, New York and Tel Aviv Piano, synths and other keyboards
I deliver hits.
Helping you achieve YOUR sound with the methods of 2020. Versatile and dynamic mixing/mastering. Come to the studio to watch the process and learn if you’re interested!
Are you looking for a score for your film/tv or media project? Do you need help with one of your own compositions? Then you are right with me.
Are you looking to take your musical project to the next level? Meet Abi, your go-to session bass player ready to inject groove, depth, and precision into your tracks.
Recent Successes
"Austin was amazing to work with he such an amazing creative approach to this project will be working with him again THANKS !"
"We were very happy with the mastreing by Kramer. He opened the mix up, making it a pleasure to listen but it still had the dynamix we worked so hard for. Excellent job."
"Pleasure to work with!"
"Spectacular Producer and musician! Tyler is the best—pop, country, rock, it doesn't matter the genre. He just knows music and has created countless amazing tracks for us!"
"Dans a legend! second time working with him and he never disappoints. Would highly recommend for anyone looking for a mean mix and master! "
"IT was nice working Adonis, He was very professional during the whole time working on the project. He delivered the exact product I was looking in a timely manner, I was impressed."
"Really Glad I got to use Johns talents again. He has a great feel and gets beautiful tones. A gem on soundbetter."
"once again he killed it ! brought magic with his vibe, lyrics and brought the track to life with his ambiance! always a pleasure working with this talented man!"
"Was such a pleasure working with Diana. She did a great job with the vocals I asked! Totally cooperative & professional with great results! "
"Ari is a gifted vocalist and a true pro. Thank you for enriching this song and the character who sings it!"
"Working with Federico was great! He was super responsive and turned around three great bass tracks within a day of reaching out. I’ll definitely be working with him again!"