Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Xibling
As a mixer I want to help other musicians make interesting, emotional, and impactful sounding art. I tend to work on darkwave, shoegaze, experimental electronic, and alternative pop music, but I love a great lo-fi acoustic singer-songwriter too. I treat each mix with individualized care and I only work on music that I actually like.
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Since 2006 in music production Projects: https://soundcloud.com/daniel-greenx https://soundcloud.com/reggaemylitis-sound
Thank you so much for checking us out !!! Derek and myself,have gotten the chance to work with so many talented bands,duo`s,singers. If you have any DAW recording software,and you have tracks you recorded, send them to us,let us bring life to your tracks and make your songs and dream come alive !!!! We have worked with all styles of music !!!
I'm a melodic and lyrical vocalist and songwriter of all styles. I specialize in smooth male R&B and Pop vocals, as well as various styles of hip-hop.
The guitar sound for your songs. I'm looking for the most suitable and most particular sound that can be used for your song.
World Class Vocal Producer, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, Monitor Engineer, Problem Solver, Yogi, Creator of Light
I am a professional mastering engineer. Let's make your track sound great! Understanding your song and brining the necessary industry objectives into the process, you will always a receive a top quality master wav file from me.
I am a shark ,This zone is mine.
Recent Successes
"Mele is a great artist and song writer, I love how we are able to keep the business side straight and still create those radio smashes!! You need that Chris Brown vibe with that urban writing only roll with mele ........"
"Wow next level stuff! Will be back for sure. Thanks "
"An absolute pleasure to work with Kostas. He understood and also agreed upon what I was looking for. During the process he sent me samples on what he was working on and I was stunned about the great communication we ..."
"Professional as always. A pleasure to work with on this large project! "
"Robin is a very experienced and extremely talented songwriter / Top line-writer and vocalist. It was an absolute pleasure to work with him. He is acting very professional and did a fantastic job. Additionally he is a ..."
"Facundo is an amazing percussionist. I sent him the file one night and the next bay when I woke up I had a message that he was working on my project and a few hrs. later he was done. The quality, style, feel was exact..."
"Excellent work from Thomas, very prompt and understanding. Final product sound amazing. Very experienced mix and mastering engineer "
"This project was fairly complex, but Cris did some terrific work on it smoothly and beautifully. He not only did a perfect interpretation of the scripted parts, but he also did some killer improve on the same pass..."
"Every master I've received from Fili is flawless!"