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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Xbox
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Do you need that 'Catchy' melody or vocal arrangement for your chorus, verse or entire song? Let me know and let's go! Tell me about your project and let's see how we can take it to the next level. Via my music project 'When Charly meets Jack' my song 'Plug & Play' got placed as background music for the Xbox Game 'The Show 21'!
KCRW, MTV, Carson Daly, Netflix, CSI Miami, XBOX games, Pontiac & KMART ads have featured my music for Fitz & The Tantrums, Melanie Martinez & Goldroom, as have Spin, Complex, Interview, LA Times & The Wall Street Journal; as LUXXURY I've performed everywhere from LA to London, Mexico City to Madrid, & Berlin to Delhi, India.
From producing records that have been praised and reviewed in Spin + Pitchfork, to composing + producing music for major ad campaigns while creating a sonic identity for top brands and scoring indie films. I have an extensive amount of experience in many genres and production pathways.
Performing on Vans Warped Tour, and with artists like X Ambassadors, and Plain White T's, The Eiffels's music has been featured on MTV, Rock Band 4 (PS4 & Xbox One), and Universal Music Group's "Project: Aloft Star." Pitchfork calls them, "a young band on a quest to chart its own space in between rock and pop." Yahoo Music says the "buzz band ha
We have been at the forefront of the Latin Urban scene coming out of Mexico. Placements include major motion films, Netflix series and Xbox games. Millions of streams on our content across several Latin genres.
SadNoize does things that no other musicians are doing right now. He can create entire songs in minutes using multiple instruments and tools such as loop pedals and ambient reverbs. SadNoize has worked behind the scenes for years but is now coming out of the underground to experiment publicly with releasing new genres of jazz/ hip hop
Greetings, I'm DJElectricJes, I'm an American DJ
Are you looking for a moderately priced mix with a magnificent master, that gives amazing sound? If so, look no further than right here...like RIGHT HERE! V.P. Music Mixing & Mastering is here to become your new hidden audio gem. Be the envy of artists around you by grabbing a mix or get the final touches put on your mix with a quality master!
Recent Successes
"Raymond is very professional and fun to work with. It's been a pleasure working with him and I look forward to working with him again in the near future. "
"No word of a lie, I cried when Jazelle sent me her vocals. I didn't really know what to expect or how a vocalist would interpret this track of mine. To have someone compliment the track so beautifully where the first ..."
"Daryl was such an awesome find and put out an awesome mix and master for me! He is very kind, worked with my deadline and even gave me tips for future work. He also went above in the creative process which I truly app..."
"It was an amazing experience working with Peredur. His playing, energy and creativeness is spectacular and his professionalism is inspirational. No fuss, he just gets it! Hire him. I shall work with him again..and aga..."
"Such a privilege to work with Chini Records! It's really been such a blessing to have great people to help realize your musical ideas!! Five stars always!"
"Tom is a beast!!"
"I have worked with Fili on several masters and the work is incredible. He understands what the song needs and always delivers. Highly recommend"
"Brendan is incredible! He is lightning quick but that does not dull the exceptional creative quality of sound he producers. He was able to take my track and my brief and not only nail it, but take it up several notche..."
"Great timely manner. Same-day results when sent. "
"Marian totally surpassed my expectations. She understood exactly what was needed and the final result was perfect with no extra changes needed. Highly recommended! Thanks again!"
"Elsbeth was easy to work with and delivered just what we needed!"