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Winfield Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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National Recording Artist, Vocalist, Lyricist & Songwriter available for hire to write, co-write, top-line write or record vocals/harmonies on your projects as well as provide pro vocal comping and tuning. I have written and performed on a variety of different genres of songs including pop, rock, EDM, house, blues & country.
Peace & Love! The work speaks for itself. Percussionist, Drummer, Emcee, Songwriter, Vocalist, Producer, & so on... I love all that I do & do it well. Allow me to share a bit with you. I'm only a click away!
Hi! I deliver high-class recordings of both acoustic and electrical guitar. I have a big selection of both guitars, amps, pedals and plugins to get the sound that your song needs!
Discography/Markita Ferguson/Marquee/ Block Share Inc LLC Perfomance/ Features/ Writing Credits Kelis- Album (Kaliediscope) Song: “Mafia” ft. Markita Ferguson and Pharell Williams Album (The Shield soundtrack) Pharell Williams- Song:”Mafia” Kelis ft. Markita Ferguson and Pharell Williams Song: “Wild Cowboys” ft. Markita Ferguson (Short Version)
I produce epic music soundscapes for soundtracks. I achieved a certain fame as a music producer in South Africa with top DJs asking to be able to perform alongside me. (Now based in the UK). I have a great knack for prose and have written lyrics for songwriters and pros for advertising companies for over two decades.
I will professionally mix, master, or produce your tracks to industry standard without costing you a fortune! Let's get to work and make the magic happen!
Very Good Price Cause I'm New To The Site! 8 years of producing and writing songs. Had artist projects at Sony & Universal. Will help with beats, production, mixing and mastering. Send me a message and lets work!
Annihilator drummer since 2016 (Ex-Mike Mangini, Randy Black, Alex Landenburg), touring and studio drummer for over a decade. First European drummer to play at Bonzo Bash.
Recent Successes
"just take one listen to that voice - now words - Glenn was born with an amazing talent but it is clear that he has worked hard to hone his craft. it shows in every song he does!"
"Outstanding communication & Efficient, professional work. 6 revisions in less than 2 weeks. First collaboration with Paul but not the last one !!! "
"It was a pleasure to work together with Aaron! As a starting producer with not a lot knowledge yet, he was very patient about it and explain me things if I didn´t knew them, or if I just had another question. Real..."
"Thank you for taking our song to the next level"
"Third time working with Alex and once again I couldn’t be happier with the result! I saw another review where they mentioned how good Alex is at responding to and incorporating feedback, and I think that’s one of his ..."