Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Willz
Hi. I'm Jaefam. I am a professional record producer and engineer from Zambia, with experience in all aspects of audio production, and I want to help you make an amazing record. I have delivered high-quality tracks and remote production to satisfied clients on every continent. Together, we can bring your music to life. Let's make something awesome!
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My whole goal in writing is to write HITS, so that's what I aim for anytime I write for an artist. When you work with me, you can expect to get infectious, catchy, and memorable melodies as this is the most important aspect of a song, in my opinion. Also expect interesting concepts, and songs in whatever genre you want as I like to challenge myself
IG: vincejohnmusic
Hi, Im Josh Willz. I am a music producer/composer, mixing and mastering engineer and i believe music should be a affordable passion so i can help independent artists on limited budgets without limited quality. Average turn around time is 2 weeks for a full instrumental
Speaker Damage Productions has produced for artists in a variety of genres, as well as for TV & film, and has extensive experience performing with touring bands. If you’re looking for a producer or musician who understands the intricacies of your music and can bring it to life, Speaker Damage Productions can do it.
I’m and up and coming producer from NJ looking to find some artist to collab with to create some life-changing music.
David Kerckhoff is a Nashville-based producer/writer and mixing and mastering engineer who specializies in hip-hop and modern pop. David studied under Grammy award winning producer, Jim Jonsin (Beyonce, Eminem, A$AP Rocky). David prides himself on high-quality and creative vocal production and his unique ear for genre-bending music.
Berlin-based, SAE Institute certified Sound Engineer with 9 years of experience
Recent Successes
"I.T.B. did a great job mastering the songs in my project, the style of music needed a big low end sound while maintaining a focused overall mix .Robert and his team are great thx"
"Liam's work is fast and efficient and I would gladly work with him and again as well as recomend him to others for similiar jobs."
"Varun is a professional, best mix/master that I have ever received. He's up to date with the latest commercial EDM techniques and he got the master to the proper loudness level while still having it be dynamic. He did..."
"Chad Dexter Is The Wizard Of Sounds. A Legendary Creative Genius. (MvP)"
"Judy was to take detailed direction, a complicated demo track, and a reference track to work towards - and combine everything into a performance and arrangement that was right on target, expressive, and expertly playe..."
"Thank you again Nacho! Im so happy to work with Nacho, he have done the most amazing job with our 2 latest EPs and we want to work with him on all our future projects! Nacho really knows music and can really ma..."
"Thanks Alex. You were quick with this one. Still great quality."
"Elliot is a GEM! Professional, friendly, and a pleasure to work with. Thank you!"
"Always fun working with a talented, innovative, and soulful singer like Myrah, she is the best!!!!!"