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West River Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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In the box online mixing and mastering engineer.
10 years experience Specialized in Hip Hop, RnB,
My name is Giancarlo Minotti. I am a mix and tracking engineer based out of Houston. I am available to mix songs that you have already tracked or go into the studio to get you recorded.
New to SoundBetter! I am a Canadian artist and I'd be happy to help you with any project as quick and best as as possible.
From Pop to Opera, I have performed and recorded in many different genres. Classically trained bass-baritone with extensive experience in the classical music world, with many contacts and credits across other genres and disciplines, including Jazz, Folk, Rock and Pop.
Creative mixing and mastering with attention to detail. Making your track stand out among others.
Welcome to CaseySoundProductions, where your musical vision becomes a reality. I hope to help you reach your goals.
Henryq - Music composer for TV commercials and online ads, specializing in pop, hip-hop, and Brazilian genres.
Recent Successes
"Matt did a fantastic job mixing and mastering my track. I'm glad I found this guy and will definitely work with him again!"
"James is amazing, patient, and professional. He’s comfortable working with tonnes of layers, and gets a real solid mix and production at the end of it. A really good producer! "
"Drew has a great voice and delivered the vocals quicker than anticipated. Will definitely hire him again."
"Great job as always. I knew of Nikita and Mosco Enterprise long before SoundBetter. I’ve worked with dozens of engineers, and none compare to them. We will work again in a couple weeks, best "
"As always, Etienne is a MASTER at what he does. Cannot recommend him enough!!! 100/10, would love to work with him for my future projects as well :)"
"MARK JORDAN is great! He is easy to work with and understands the direction and the production process. He is always communicating and delivering a great product. He is extremely helpful with ideas and helps drive the..."
"Stephen wrote very catchy lyrics and melody for this project and I'm satisfied with the end result. On top of it, his vocals are beautiful. Super happy with how the back and forth went between us. Hope to collaborate ..."