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West Point Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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We are a Germany based studio specialized in vocal recording/editing/tuning and mixing/mastering. Due to many years of remote/online mixing/mastering we are experienced in online services. We also offer vocal on demand service for choirs, lead and backing vocals (www.vocalservice.com)!
Hi! I'm Clara and I will provide beautiful vocals for your song in either English or Spanish.
Hi there. My name is Francois Jones, a South-African based drummer, producer and mixing engineer. I work from my home studio dedicated to Drum tracking and mixing. I have been playing drums for more than 20 years. I also have years of experience in the live sound industry. Album credits include: Cadillac Sun and numerous singles
Feel free to contact me for a personalized quote and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.
I am able to do remote saxophone, flute and clarinet recording. Ensemble and solo. Multiple styles including improvising. Arranging and consultation regarding harmony/melody writing. Played and recorded with Tony Bennett Iggy Pop and the Boston Symphony.
I've been doing music for 28 years, rapping. I can write R+B and hiphop style songs as well as commercials or unique projects
Need the best sounding Mix, Master or Edit for your Song? Having a Bachelor in Audio Production and lots of experience in studio work and live sound I will do my very best to make your music sound as good as it can.
Recent Successes
"Kevin is super dope! Quick turnaround and amazing product! I would definitely recommend him for your future project!"
"Micah is such an amazing person to work with! So creative and open to try new ideas! He understood perfectly the approach we wanted and gave our song the mix it deserved!"
"John doesn’t stop until he nails it. Thing is, he usually nails it right off the bat. "
"I'm really happy with this beat. While a lot of other producers tend to make big changes to the track, Tropez was able to make it into a better version of itself. Love the FX, transitions, & drums. Look forward to wor..."
"As James Brown as the hardest working man in the business… Larry is the hardest and fastest working man in the business of percussion!!! Larry is part of my “musical” family now… and my “go to” #1 percussion player! H..."
"Amazing job!! Started with good customer service and communication, with a conversation about what I wanted from the song. During the process, when I wasn't sure of the tempo, Dan was able to quickly send me ver..."