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wert Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I believe a collaboration and have already had very good experiences with it!!!
I play all four saxes flute clarinet and bass clarinet On tenor and alto sax especially, I play boisterous lyrical solos with a tone that cuts. I hope I can cut solos for you, write new parts or play your parts into tracks for your session. Mainly RnB Soul Rock and Jazz but I can adapt to any situation such as electronic music or world music.Thanks
With several years of writing/engineering singles & albums for both myself & others that have amassed hundreds of thousands of streams, I understand musical creation from both the perspective of an artist & engineer. While adept with every part of the audio process from demoing to mastering, I approach my work with a "music-first" mindset.
I am a Nashville-based keyboardist with over 20 years of experience in a variety of genres ready to provide the perfect custom-made tracks for your project. I can cover just about any keys-based sounds you need: grand pianos (ex. Steinway D, Yamaha C7), upright pianos, electric pianos (Yamaha CP-70/80, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer) B3 organ, and more.
Diavo, ich bin ein Musikproduzent mit über 15 Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Musikbranche. Gemeinsam mit meinem Produzentenpartner YFG BEATS konnte ich über 100 Millionen Streams verzeichnen. Meine Tätigkeiten umfassen das Beatmaking, das Schreiben von Songs, das Aufnehmen von Künstlern sowie das Mixing und Mastering weltweit in vielen Sprachen.
Hello! My name is Renan and I am a session drummer, producer, and engineer based out of Winter Garden, FL. 7x Latin Grammy Nominated 1x Latin Grammy Winner
Country Showdown Nebraska State Title of 2015, Six String Theory Rock Guitar Competition top 5 of 2011,Guitar Player Guitar Superstar top ten of 2010,Guitar World magazine top ten shred the web of 2009.I'm a passionate music producer and guitar virtuoso ready to bring your musical vision to life! I specialize in crafting immersive sonic experiences
Recent Successes
"Brad was again kind and fast enough to make few changes on my track! 5 star goes to him for being a professional! Very happy with his work everytime!"
"Rolipso is like, we both worked in the industry for so many years. So many years that everything is so smooth and professional and, I feel like he can read my mind already. (haha)"
"Third time I work with Craig, and he's an amazing musician. He made 3 takes playing what I wrote and 2 more free, really happy with what he delivered, I highly recommend to work with him :)"
"It was a pleasure working with Dave. He is very professional and a top-notch engineer. He brought great ideas into the mix in a really organic way and was always communicative throughout process, appreciate your work ..."
"Not only is Killian amazing at pop, rock, hip-hop, etc, but he just produced my Neo-classic Christmas song! It turned out fabulous!! "
"Always great to hear Ethan come through and really elevate a song. A phenomenal guy and a phenomenal singer."