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Wenzhou Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello my name is David Dion and i'm a mixing engineer from Montreal ! If you need my service don't hesitate and ask your question to this email :daviddion_doops@hotmail.com
I am an EDM/Hip Hop producer who specializes in mixing, mastering, and remixing.
30 years of professional experience as a session musician, vocalist, songwriter and producer in Los Angeles. I'm an artist, too, so when I get involved with a project I make sure that I bring everything I can over and deliver above what's been promised to make sure the end result sounds even better than it did in your head!
Hello! My name is Tanja, I'm a vocalist/songwriter/ producer. My vocals are dreamy and sensual with a slight Euro-accent (I speak several languages English, German, French, Swedish). I've written and produced my own projects Lomboy and Lonely Drifter Karen and for other musicians such as Lamp, Jimmy Whoo, Nicolas Godin(AIR), Olivia Ruiz ...
Composition — Audio Engineering — Vocal Performance, Daniel blends over a decade of performing as an instrumentalist and Juilliard trained vocalist into a vibrant tapestry of compositions utilizing both live and digital instruments. From ideation to audio-engineering, Daniel enriches a wide range of orchestral and vocal music from start to finish.
New York City Jazz & studio trumpeter, 10+years. Performed and recorded with many different artists in the music industry. Performed on two national Broadway tours around the entire country. Joe is currently an endorsed Bach Brass trumpet/flugelhorn artist.
Let me help you create your Acoustic/Folk/Americana song. Some people call it producing, I prefer track maker. I play acoustic guitars, electric guitars, lap steel, bass guitars, sing, some drums, some piano, sampled instruments (synths, horns, strings, etc), and help add some energy and excitement to your track. I also mix as I go.
Experienced in DIY recordings, works through analog-inspired digital tools, and seeks to craft audio design works that transform your performances into authentic, creatively-translated listening experiences.
Recent Successes
"Chris takes a lot time and efforts to make sure, the vocals and song will turn out as awesome as possible! He's a brilliant vocal professional with many ideas and helpful thoughts. Can't wait for the next projects wit..."
"Like last time, great, Fred is always very professional, fast and efficient. This is already the second music I ask him to master and it won't be the last haha ! See you soon Fred ! K3DAL"
"Working with Rioux was nothing but amazing! Great communication and really is true to his craft. His writing and delivery with the performance of vocals is very good and on point. Highly recommended! Looking forward t..."
"Already the second project i did with Andres. I just can repeat: He's a real pro, last time he delivered flutes within a day and top quality, this time he did the same with saxophones which made the track definitely S..."
"SLayyyyyyyyed it :)"
"Daniel is a true professional. Incredibly responsive, insanely talented, and easy to work with. I will absolutely go back to him whenever I need guitars again. I encourage you to hire him! He will put life into your p..."
"Always a premium quality delivery and on time .. Thank you LEO"
"Austin was excellent once again. The quality of mixing and mastering is the best value you'll find, literally anywhere. He responds promptly and is always willing to make as many tweaks as it takes. Very professional ..."
"Austin is fantastic, fast, pays keen attention to detail, and delivers way above expectations. Thrilled to have had the chance to work with him on here and look forward to working with him again!"