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Wentzville Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Vocalist from Perth, Western Australia available for session vocals. Would suit chilled out, dreamy electronic tracks or acoustic singer/songwriter type tracks.
I am a Professional Music Producer,Audio Engineer,Sound Designer and A Composer.I have done lots of Projects with several local artists such as sand u,electrodemons etc...
Creative lyrical writter. Mostly rap but I can expand genres when needed!
Singer, songwriter, music producer. I play acoustic and electric guitar, ukelele and keyboards. I use Ableton Live 11 and Logic Pro X. I've been recording jingles for six years, I have a husky lower range voice but very versatile, depending on what the project requires. I specialize in lead vocals, vocal arrangements and harmonizing
Hi all! My name is Dmitry, but you may know me as Do Magic or Doppelganger. I can record a dance track or a remix of your composition. I can help with the mix of your track. Also open to any suggestions and collaborations.
Mixing your project will be my pleasure.
A very versatile producer, singer and mix/master engineer based in San Diego, with a platinum record I wrote and co produced.
Hi! I am an independent mixing engineer based in Melbourne and Indonesia. With a dynamic career spanning various genres, I have established myself as a creative force in the industry.
Recent Successes
"Just finished another track with Jason. Awesome as usual. One thing that I have not mentioned in previous reviews is the quality of Jason's drum sounds is fantastic. He has a great set up and knows how to record drums..."
"Jessie is the real deal! I needed a powerful soul lead vocal and she delivered it spot on. No remarks at all. Loved working with her and will definitely do it again!"
"What a great guy and super understanding. I would truly suggest anyone to work with him :))"
"He did an amazing got the exact sound I wanted and was very responsive and timely. "
"Gemp is a star! He completed a beautiful remix in a very short amount of time. He intuitively knew the exact sound I was going for. Thanks again! "
"She is always ready to give you the best performance and the best violin sound. It’s a chance to find her at Soundbetter. Highly recommended. Thanks Joylin one more time!"
"Tarek did an amazing job mixing and mastering my songs. His attention to detail and innate sense of a captivating musical style resulted in final mixes I will treasure forever! He’s extremely talented, professional,..."
"My dude NV killed it again. He transformed my song into what I envisioned with complete accuracy. Hit him up!"
"After working with John Michael for one song earlier this summer, we decided to bring a group of 4 more songs to him to complete the album we were working on. Throughout the process, John was communicative and ada..."