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Washington Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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''you want what in where?!''
...where ideas become music
Hi! I'm a remote session drummer using V-Drums and sampling software for a HUGE catalog of classic drums from the 50's all the way up to modern kits, combined with my versatility to give you a highly customize-able performance! Digital drum sounds also available as standalone kits, or to combine with classic acoustic kits for a unique modern sound!
My name is Kai and I'm under five feet but I love to eat.
Quality and experienced Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Production!
뮤직스토리 작,편곡,프로듀싱,믹싱,마스터링 전보람 작,편곡,프로듀싱
Ewritingpal reviews offer custom academic writing services in USA.
I’m an upcoming music engineer who started out making beats and writing music. Then one day I needed my songs mixed, so I spent years learning mixing and will be entering berklee online schooling this fall to get my certificates.
Recent Successes
"Jacob Aaron Miller is very patient and diligent in his craft. Not only did he make my tracks sound Grammy worthy, but he also creatively enhances the sound to fit your specific signature. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! "
"Josh is an amazing artist and a pleasure to work with. He delivered exactly what I needed and more and also on time. Definitely consider him for your project! Also, check out him as an artist and be sure to follow him!"
"Kris killed it! So patient, going well above all our quirky requests and delivering an awesome product. I also felt a certain way cause she said she dug the song too... Wow! I def recommend her and would us her again!"
"Good work. Very quick to respond and make changes as well."
"Had an amazing experience working with her! Exceptional voice and great at what she does."
"Have worked with Carl on a number of mixing projects. He’s really the best. Always adds a new dimension to the song. Haven’t worked with anyone more responsive, interested or knowledgeable. You won’t do better."
"Matty is the BEST. So talented! You need him on your song!"