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Wappingers Falls Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Studio engineer specializing in Jazz and acustic music generally but also well versed with Rock/Pop and Soul, credited on more than 100 published albums.
I have good inspiration and vision about the mix of the song and how it should need to be heard in professional fusion of the clients exactly want to hear
I specialize in mixing! Particularly rock and its many variations. I love DIY musicians and DIY music of all kinds.
I am a drummer of 30 plus years. I have been writing and producing my own instrumental music for 10 years and have a great set-up for producing professional drum tracks for just about every genre. Let's Get To Work!!
Audio Engineer. Mixing/Mastering, Editing. Credits include: -Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2: “Crazy Chocobo.” Mixing and Mastering. (2012) -Tony Underwood. Tone Poem 1 And Your Tuba Too, Tony! “A New Shore (feat. Jesper Kristensen).” A2. (2011) -P.D.P. “Mass Delusion.” Additional Engineering. (2011)
Mixing & Mastering Producer Audio Editing Producer Recording Producer CEO of musical label: EASTWOOD PRODUCTIONS OF BRAZIL
I am a professional audio engineer and I will mix your song at a high standard at an affordable rate!
I fix vocals. I’m a highly experienced Producer from London, UK, with many name credits, working out of Key West, Florida for the last 12 years (I know, tough gig!). The music genres I work best in are anything where there are real musicians playing and singing. My “thing” is producing great, natural sounding, vibey vocal tracks.
Recent Successes
"Austin did a great job mixing my track and worked with me through any notes or changes I wanted , he was also very timely and patient! Would recommend if you want a nice full mix/master ! "
"This was my first collaboration with George for cello track. He delivered fast and exceeded my expectations. I will definitely work again with him."
"I worked with Alfonso with my album and he handled the project professionally with quality. Very friendly and never complained about my endless revision :) He is a virtuoso and a gem."
"Working with Arianna makes work easier, she is very talented. I love working with her!"
"This is my 2nd time working with Dylan. Once again, He is "So Amazing." What a pro! His stems are always very clean and very organized. Dylan, you are not only a brilliant drummer with lots of smarts, technique, and..."
"Professional and easy to work with, very responsive as well. worked on a melodic techno track w him. Satisfied!"