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Walsall Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Tee Double has blurred the distinctions commonly associated with entrepreneurs, songwriters, producers, and poets. Armed with a freestyle grace that can only be witnessed in person, he has let his lyrics flow, defined with mixing and production talents that have given him the power to shape a community. Anything Can Be Achieved.
Classical, popular, improvising, experimental double bass player.
If you are wanting to complete a track, even if you have missing bits. I can drive the process forward. My skills include project management and organising teams, so I can take your track to the level needed (radio quality) with your team or my team. I work with Fade Files and have achieved single of the week status on BBC radio in the UK.
10 year experience mixing engineer working in music, film, tv, and live shows.
Growing over 2 million streams on Spotify alone for artist project CROSSLEY, as well as multiple sync placements as both a Songwriter and Singer in the US and UK including Paramount and Sky Sports. CROSSLEY continues to grow as an artist whilst working on other projects for artists, producers, and writers alike.
Cross-genre guitarist with 20 years of experience and a solo artist project for which I write, sing, produce, arrange and play all instruments. I can record guitar and/or bass for any type of project, from traditional Jazz to 60s-style rock to modern pop. Only thing I can't do is flamenco. Sorry.
Hi, I'm Simon from De Villa Studio. If you're looking for professional music production that brings your ideas to life, you've come to the right place. I offer customized song production, from concept to completion, including composition, recording, mixing, and mastering.
Recent Successes
" Philip Larsen was great to work with. He's a talented producer/remixer who delivered exactly what I wanted and asked for. He's also a great communicator which makes all the difference."
"Like always Alex did a perfect job! Very talented and patient! A real pleasure to work with him!"
"Working with John couldn't be any easier. I've done so many songs with him now that I usually have a good idea of which direction he'll take it, and then he STILL somehow manages to surprise me. "
"Thank you Bailey for doing such a great job on the track! Super creative, good communication throughout."
"Brandon just did a demo vocal for me today and he killed it. He came totally prepared, was very easy to work with and hit all the right vibe throughout the song. He's now definitely on my list to work with again."
"We just finished another great track with Anton. We were working with a new producer who's really talented but also quite young, so there were a few extra challenges with this one on our side. Anton took it all in str..."
"Nailed it on the first try. Champion"
"Simon did a great job of bringing clarity and warmth to my piece. I was really happy with how my song ended up and would definitely work with him again!"
"Matt was an absolute pleasure to work with and I'm extremely happy with the results. His professionalism, knowledge, skill, and communication were all exceptional. I would be glad to work with him again on future proj..."