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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Waka Flocka Flame
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Producer and Audio Engineer based in Nashville, Tennessee.
I’ve been working with music for 10 years. Recorded albums and mixtapes. I have a small collection of songs on iTunes and Spotify.
Hi there, Whan here! I have been producing, writing and working on songs for 11 years starting in hiphop, moving to EDM and pop. When it comes to writing(lyrics and toplining) I specialize in Pop/EDM/Hiphop/. I also provide vocals for songs if needed! I worked for eg. STMPED, Universal, Sony and Spinning rec artists and am an proud indie artist!
Bachelor of Arts (Music) - Australian College of the Arts Specialise in clever and meaningful songwriting, writing catchy hooks and melodies and strong soulful unique vocals.
4+ Millions streams, Multiple Plays On Global Radio Stations!
Make Music Sounds Better
Unleash your music's full potential with perfect melodies, lyrics, and singing. Let me help you create the next big hit for the world to enjoy!
Pro Audio Engineer, thousands of personal projects produced and collaborations such as Camp Rock 2 Matthew “M-Dot” Finley.
Recent Successes
"Taylor was amazing to work with! Very responsive, exceptionally creative and vocals are unworldly. He took a song/idea and helped turn it into a quality finished product. I highly recommend!!"
"Eileen was very nice and quick, and I really liked her work."
"Leo played the piano on one of my tracks and gave the arrangements just what they needed. I got two passes to choose from, which I was delighted to have since one was a busier take and the other a more relaxed one. It..."
"Alex was great to work with. They worked quick, while also taking the time to take on my notes and apply them in timely manner. I would definitely suggest working with Alex for a if you're looking for someone with eff..."
"incredible engineer"
"it is always a pleasure to work with Ev! One of the most beautiful voices you can hear. "
"Facundo was fast, creative, and super easy to work with. I would definitely work with him again for more thoughtful perc parts! His contributions definitely added to my song!"
"My 4th song with Kevin, and his production is certainly objectively flawless. He never missed the balance between the instruments."
"Worked on a different aspect of music, more on the strategic side of the music/business. It just goes to show that this dude is versatile in all aspects of music! "