Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vjjr
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sound concept & design
I'm a musician,songwriter,producer, and engineer out of L.A. I've started taking an interest to music at the age of 8 years old, writing songs at 15. I have 10 years of audio engineering experience ..
I make sounds and art.
Mixing & mastering engineer obsessed with making your record sound amazing. I have performed with Lil Wayne and Migos. I've also worked with Chevrolet and Nate Paulson.
Trust my creativity, intuition and feel for YOUR sound.
-So you're looking for that professional sound but you don't have that kind of money!!!
I mix and master music for commercial-level distribution. My focus is on the more polished, produced side of mixing. I have a degree in Recording and Music Technology and have been mixing for over 15 years. I also learned Mastering from Berklee. I'm new to this site, so take advantage of the lower pricing while you can.
I specialize in saxophone solos for songs in hip hop/rap, pop, and more. I have played in musical scenarios such as musicals, session recordings, jazz bands, symphonic orchestras, and chamber ensembles. I have been a musician in various ensembles under world-renowned musicians such as Ted Sperling, Dr. Jason Noble, Paul Cohen, and more.
Recent Successes
"Shelley was very kind, and personable. An extremely talented artist, I was fortunate to have her voice on something that I wrote. I wish her continued success with her music."
"Billy is one of the easiest singer i worked with.Tell him what i want and he delivers. It was a pleasure to work with him."
"Another perfect mix & master. More than happy :) Thanks again Klaas!"
"The mix/song came out fire! 5/5 stars!"
"Thanx Davis, once again you gave the perfect song the perfect sound!"
"This Man is Amazing ๐ I can't believe he's not a world Star. If I can help it he will be one soon enough. Talent like his should NEVER GO UNNOTICED EVER!!! DMIRAKLE IS TRUELY BLESSED ๐. MAY ALL HIS WISHES BECOME REA..."
"Jaki's vocal contribution to the song "Love" was nothing short of spectacular; her voice, imbued with a powerful intensity and a touch of grit, soared through the chorus with an emotional depth that truly brought the ..."
"Top quality mix and mastering service and super professional to work with"
"Always a home run. It's always so dang easy. Absolutely love working with Gary. I consider it a true honor for someone of his stature and ability to work on our projects. "