Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Virgin Music MX
Secret Ghost Producer. I've peaked #2 in Bolivia, #39 México, #3 Perú. I worked on ''God Damnit'' by Illenium. I've been a Music Producer and Mixer Engineer for over 10 years. I'll work day and night to make your track sound more powerful!
TRANSFORM YOUR IDEAS INTO MUSICAL HITS! I'm a producer with 10+ years of professional experience and published songs that have made millions of streams. If you're looking for a 2024 sound, I'm your guy.
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Kamron Krieger is a Recording and Mixing Engineer who's worked with tons of platinum and billboard charting artists.
Hi, I'm Miclain and I'm a producer with 13 Million + streams who loves helping artist develop a unique sound for themselves.
Owner of QOQ Studios, Dirty Water Music Group's A&R, Music Producer & Audio Engineer
In the studio you should only have professionals around you, just as when it comes to design. We inspire you with individual, tailor-made designs!
I am essentially a one-stop-shop for anything music related. :)
I produce tracks and manipulate audio, I utilize Just Intonation and pure harmonic tuning systems for a more rich, stable, and resonant sound, I also incorporate various sound healing techniques and make use of specific frequencies to effect the listener's state of consciousness.
My unique approach and style of music production will allow your sound to shine. I want to work with artists that are looking for a sound that goes beyond what most others are making. In my studio, I have both modern and vintage instruments including a powerful collection of synthesizers each with custom sounds that I've crafted over decades.
i did the songs of Hazlaab. I like rock and play with the drums and bass like nobody else, i like give colors to this instruments and do a creative songs, also make beats.
Recent Successes
"An absolute talent. A rare find that you should not hesitate to work with. Her resume speaks for itself, and I can only emphasize that she embodies the pairing of technical skills with that intuition that can't be ta..."
"Dan was amazing! Not only does he have a great voice but he was able to sing in the style of my song and blend in with the other singers. Very professional, talented and versatile, would hire again!"
"Andrew's quick and easy to work with, and his guitar melodies are insane! "
"I am so happy to be the 434ish satisfied client of Michael's. I don't know if it's his protein intake, angst or his love of doing a great job - but he has not failed to deliver fantastic results on each and everyone ..."
"I now have two killer songs from Bill & counting. I feel like I've finally found someone who can give me exactly what I ask for, and does it gracefully, without complaint. The biggest surprise is it's all done fairly ..."
"Nathaniel is a truly talented player and I had a wonderful experience working with him. Great with feedback, his turnaround time on edits was lightning-fast, and his beautiful performance brought a new dimension to my..."
"I recently had the pleasure of working with Mastering Expert Marco on my latest track, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Their attention to detail and ability to enhance the nuances of my music was impressiv..."