Viola in Munich
Add emotion to your track with some Live-Strings.
I will produce your instrumental track of any Genre
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Audio professional specializing in the post-production processes of mixing and mastering.
I draw sounds directly from other realms, None like you’ve ever heard.
Hello, my name is Max. I'm a young music producer based in Vienna, Austria. I'm specialized in creating atmospheric and rich in detail arrangements for singer-songwriters.
Los Angeles based mixer who will give your song the care and precision it deserves to bring your artistic vision to life. Credits include: Becky G, Alexander Stewart, Peach Tree Rascals, CVBZ, American Authors, liza, Chymes, Brooke Alexx and more.
EDM / Slap House / Tech / Deep
Unique productions with analog feel blended into a digital world.
Over 25 years of singing, songwriting and vocal production as a full time professional. I am at your service and will deliver High level vocals for hooks, jingles, songs or background work.
Singer-songwriter, keyboardist and composer. Experimental sound artist and performer
Recent Successes
"Such a pleasure to work with- amazing talent and very receptive/understanding to ideas. I look forward to working on many more projects together. Highly recommended!!"
"Dafne is a once in a lifetime talent. She has perfect pitch, along with beautiful and consistent vibrato. And her voice knows how to tell a story, opening new chapters with just subtle changes in tone and delivery. P..."
"James mixed our album and we are absolutely delighted with the result. He completely nailed that tricky balance of not changing the essence of the tracks, while at the same time massively elevating them, way beyon..."
"TJ is great to work with and did a great job on the mix. He really captured the vibe that I was aiming for and elevated the production with his mix. Super friendly, hit all mix notes promptly. This is my second song w..."
"Ryan, added some perfect horns to a cover song I just did. Did exactly what the song needed. Played and recorded them really nicely! Cool"
"Fantastic, thank you so much. "
"Dee is a fantastic and versatile vocalist and an absolute pleasure (and fun!) to work with. She is super reliable, very friendly in her communication and the results are outstanding!! I am looking forward to working w..."
"Fred is a superstar in mastering. He’s got an excellent ear. The best mastering engineer I ever worked with!"
"Always a pleasure working with Chad! I've worked with him 3x and will continue to do so! I highly recommend this man!"