Viola in Las Vegas
Add emotion to your track with some Live-Strings.
Credits: Journey, TLC, Mark Farner, Usher, Kid Cudi, Ariana Grande, Buck Johnson, John Spicer, The Violution, Psycho Synner, Steel Panther, August Empire, Neal Acree, Eimear Noone, Russell Brower, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, Blizzard Entertainment, BlizzCon, iHeart Radio and more.
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My writing & vocal production/ arrangements have garnered 10million+ streams. I've developed several artists (writing/ engineering/ vocal producing), & brought their visions to life from the ground up. I have a network of producers that I work with for pitch & sync. Recent cuts include EXO's "Let Me In" and upcoming Joony x Blxst record.
What happens when a sound designer tries to apply those same principles to pretty much everything else they do? This guy.
Hi ! I'm an eclectic artist: music producer, singer, songwriter... Tech Entrepreneur and Founder of Norths Winter Records. I'm here to offer collaborations on your gigs; discuss placements and network. Feel free to reach me. @TWTPM
I can help enhance your personal strengths or help you discover the more authentic aspects of your playing and writing... past involvement and work includes well-known metal artists and extends across the spectrum to local moog infused indie rock bands.
Award winning, music producer, mixing, and sound design artist. With over 20 years experience. I can help you with any of your projects from music all the way through to master. Helped develop Output Exhale, Studio One features, Kontakt libraries, and was a touring EDM artist.
Looking for high-quality remote mixing and mastering services? Look no further! Our professional team of mix engineers and mastering experts can take your music to the next level with our top-of-the-line equipment and years of experience. No matter where you are in the world, we can help you achieve the perfect sound for your music.
Recent Successes
"Bert is an amazing producer! His knowledge, and skill will bring your project to another level. Also he is very personable, reliable , and down to earth! Thanks! Lydia and Daniel"
"Working with Kevin has been a great experience! I sent him a few tracks as examples for what I was looking for and he nailed it! I'm looking forward to continuing to work with him!"
"Such a beautifully gifted woman Silver is... I'm hoping we can do many more songs... Thank you so very much Silver!"
"This guy is absolutely monster! If you need help deciding on a mix engineer let me help you. Pick this guy. Even before mixing he gave me advice on my rough mix enabling me to go back a get my low energy where it nee..."
"Excellent at recreating the song idea you have and making it ten times better! What was the most important for me is finding top notch guitarist and producer all in one, which is hard to come by. 💜"
"I Really recommend James his fast and serve the best quality for his clients "