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Vinhedo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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d3bAU4 - Musician from Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. Create a original sound at the intersection electronic & experimental. Modern vision of reality Earth motivation him for show people our real reality and convey the feelings, ideas and goals that we have on our planet.
4 years experience in music making in general. I know what sounds good and what doesn’t
I Am a producer/ Mix Engineer
Experienced Mixing Engineer and Hip-Hop Producer. 250,000 total streams on spotify for projects and singles mixed.
I will master engineer your music at very high quality for an affordable rate.
Quick & affordable mastering that will help make your mix come alive and sit next to your favorite artists's songs.
Talented and Diverse Vocalist specializing in a wide a variety of genres ranging from Gospel to Symphonic Metal. Berklee College of Music graduate. Professional and great to work with!
Born and raised in Area 23, Lilongwe capital city of Malawi, Jonah Watson professionally known as Mistah Yemie is a singer/rapper who is also a record producer. He was born on 7th December 1999 and started his music carrier in 2016. Currently he have 3 albums, including the one he have just released this year "Mistah vs Yona". Mistah Yemie is comon
Recent Successes
"Really, really good"
"I am very happy that Alex mastered my song, as I was delighted with the result and quality; I would highly recommend him to anyone."
"Great vox from Chloe and also lovely harmonies and ad libs, thanks!"
"Marc did more than a superb job. He took our notes and sculpted our vision! Marc is an outstanding communicator and a hard working professional! Literally going to get in touch with him tomorrow for our next single!"
"Perfect! perfect! perfect! "
"Great work! He did more than expected. Highly recommended! I will work again with him!"
"As ALWAYS she is a pleasure to work with and an even bigger talent. 200k streams in 3 months on the first song she did for us and this one will be even bigger "
"Another amazing experience working with Ziv..his sound is pure gold and I'm so proud of our work! I just love the way he accompanies me by playing professionally and so beautiful while enabling my vocals to stand out..."
"Investing in mixes from Ariel was definitely one of the best decisions I made in my music career. Top quality and a smooth process with someone who genuinely cares about achieving the maximum potential out of a song!"
"Absolutely smashed it out of the ball park. Cannot wait for the next project !! Viva Chuck!!"