Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Victoria Klein
With over 20 years in the industry and more than 600 released tracks spanning independent artists and major labels, I prioritize concept, taste, and emotion in every project. My passion drives me to elevate every piece of music I work on, ensuring that each collaboration reaches new heights.
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MCAP, your full service recording studio conveniently located on the coast near San Francisco Airport and close to downtown SF, Oakland, & San Jose. Michael has over 18 years in the SF Bay Area specializing in studio recording & mixing, live mixing, home audio, corporate A/V, & private parties of all scales. BA Sound Arts & Record Production.
The affordable musician for hire for pop/soul/alternative/indie sounds.
Creativity and fast delivery
I treat every project with professionalism, attention to detail, and most importantly, open communication between myself and the client. I was a session musician for years, so I know what it's like to work with everyone and to have a positive, productive, and fun relationship.
hello I'm specialized in mixing Hip Hop/Rap and R&B but I also usually mix all genres of music. when I make a mix, my goal is always to meet the musician's vision and put all my energy and knowledge into the mix in order to reach a final result that pleases the client.
I'm always looking to strengthen and highlight what makes each artist, project, or moment unique and endeavor to work with each artist to create the product most true to their vision. Alum of St. Petersburg College’s Music Industry and Recording Arts program with a specialization in music production.
proffesional drummer touring,sessionwor ect you need the heat i got the beat
Recent Successes
"Sabrina was a dream to work with. Amazing vocals and performance and she nailed all of our requests perfectly. Don’t look any further, Sabrina is who you want for your project. Really looking forward to working with h..."
"Quick and perfect work on point! Always a pleasure"
"Camilo never disappoints and he always delivers! Really amazing work!"
"Holly grasps the rhythmic, melodic, harmonic and emotional dimensions of your song with surprising ease, delivering stellar results in record time. As if that wasn't enough, her vocals go beyond just pure technical a..."
"I loved Seb's attention to detail! From the detailed work flow he layed out prior to starting work and all of the instructions with respect to the different masters, you could tell he put a lot of thought into the pro..."
"Bobby is the man! 😎 Not my first track with this guy, and 100% Not the last! He always nails it. Thanks man! Pleasure doing tracks with you! "
"Umberto is the man! Patient, professional, excellent at listening to feedback. The track had some bottom end challenges and Umberto was able to decipher the problem and fix it accordingly. Would 100% recommend and ..."
"Amazing unbelievable remake of a classic song! Mark has outdone himself ! 🌈🥳🌈"
"Jeff recently did a remix for one of my songs and turned it into an epic club banger! Also highly communicative, highly approchable and one of the nicest people you will ever get to know! Highly recommended!"