Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vick x
Your music like you've never heard it.
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Hello my name is Vladimir. I am a producer and guitarist from Macedonia. I have 7 year experience at this job.
I would love to help with your project. Let me know what you need help with and I am sure I have th resources to help.
Looking for your next hit? I'm your one-stop-shop.
Music & video composer & producer. 17 solo albums since 1985. First album Ascension sold 50,000+ copies. Best known for his film soundtracks & TV music. Director of creative agency 21st Century New Media Ltd. Clifford is specifically interested in working with spiritually minded singer-songwriters.
Im a 15 year old german trapper/rapper and im looking for a collaboration and im ready for anything. Also if someone want i can mix and master their vocals
I love this what I'm doing. I've collected thousands of streams across multiple platforms from my artist project and I can bring your song to the new level of quality!
Producer, Mix Engineer, Live sound Engineer and Multi Instrumentalist. I’ve worked with many Artists out of my own studio Including; Isaac Holmann (Baby Dave), Kate Nash, Soft Play, Lady Bird etc. I’ve also mixed FOH for, The Buzzcocks, Kinks, Steve Mason, Arrested Development, Slum Village and many more.
Recent Successes
"Gerard prduced a powerful sound for my track, and he cares about achieving what you expect, ready for revisions and changes as needed, always with good disposition. Positive experience. "
"Amazing job- thanks Sam for your major skillz and saintly patience!"
"Tony was awesome. Definitely the fastest I have ever received vocal stems and they were extremely high quality. He did a phenomenal job with harmonies and adlibs as well!"
"Extremely talented individual. great to work with her"
"Absolutely top-class cellist. I've worked with hundreds of top-level musicians, and Emanuel's ability is easily up there among the best. "
"Mark was awesome! I love how my track turned out to be. In his every message I could sense that he is genuinely invested in the track - not just as a professional but also as an artist. His feedback was valuable too. ..."
"Trippz is the real deal! Amazing singer, super-creative mind, and most of all - a fantastic person to work with. I cannot recommend him any more. Trippz will go the extra mile and beyond to make your project work out ..."
"Perfect collaboration. Derrick handled a quite tricky vocal part perfect with a wonderful soulful deep voice."