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Venice Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I have been a full-time Producer, Engineer and Session Musician for the past 20 years working out of the best recording studios in the Philadelphia area. I have an extensive background in all genres with a discography in the hundreds and am currently offering recording, mixing, mastering and session drumming.
Your chance to work remotely with a fully-customizable horns section (or other music production needs) in any configuration from a team of veteran, commercial, GMA-awarded horn session players from across the globe, who tour, produce and work with some of the top artists in American and Asian pop and commercial music circles.
Music composing, sound design, song rearrangement and remixes.
Hello! My name is Yuka. I'm Japanese. I've been working as a singer and lyricist in Japan since I was 18. Would you like to combine my voice and lyrics with your music? I'd love to work with you to create your best work! I can sing in Japanese. I can sing a little in English, but not with native pronunciation. Gomenne(;ω;)
Hi, I'm Anthony. I'm an EDM vocalist and songwriter. I've been actively working in music for 10+ years. I spent most of my time on the west coast in Los Angeles working on my craft. You can stream my work on any major platform under the name 'Wesley' or the EDM Duo, 'HABBiT.' Let's make something sound awesome for your project. Message me.
Try my best, do my best, to help you.
Audio Engineer offer a mixing and mastering service for your productions that brings out the full sound of your instrument, enhancing every detail and nuance. If you’re looking for clear mix that make a difference, get in touch, and let’s start working on your project! Using professional equipment, I guarantee a clean, powerful sound!
High-quality tailored audio services for your projects.
Recent Successes
"Tiffany is an amazing vocalist who will elevate your tracks with her vocal tone, vocal choices, and vocal delivery. I was really impressed with her work on my song, and it is clear she knows what she is doing as a voc..."
"3rd track with John and another great job. His attention to subtle detail is top notch and makes all the difference. You will not be disappointed! "
"This is my 3rd song production with Arthur. Arthur has done such amazing work on my songs. Can't wait to produce my next song with him. Looking forward to do many more projects with Arthur. :)"
"Simply amazing. Brian really managed to pull the essence of the song into the spotlight with a subtle touch and helping the core of the tune to blossom effortlessly. "
"Derran is the real deal - not only is his writing and singing top tier, but the quality of the recordings he delivered was so high that I barely needed to touch them after dropping them into my session - it makes such..."