Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vaughnette Bigford
Recording/ Mixing/ Mastering & Live Audio Engineer with Numerous years of experience.
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Do you record yourself or your own band? Are you producing your own music and missing someone to take your mix and production to the final level? Do you need someone with the experience, the gear and the drive to mix your music?
As a writer, producer, mixer I written and produced projects for major label to indie artists in genres from pop to rap and gospel to rock, folk and so on. Also, I have provided music for independent and major motion pictures as well as television and companies like the NFL and Major League Baseball. Steve Lillywhite says ‘just Google his name!'
I compose and record solos and licks for your songs.
I have extensive experience at Producing, Writing, Recording, Mixing and Mastering music. I'm very affordably for the level of experience I bring to you project. If I REALLY like your music I may even work for a piece of the back-end. I'm offering a COVID-19 discounts during these trying times. Hit me up you may be surprised at my affordability.
Hi, I´m Malakkor. I will create the music you have in mind with the most professional sound. 100% Guaranteed.
Here for all your vocal needs! Available to sing background or lead vocals, can also write if needed! Excited to work on your future project.
Hi I'm Abdullah Magdy I'm a multi-talented musician from Egypt with 10 years of experience as a guitarist, composer, and pianist. My versatile style blends various genres, and I play all kinds of music. I'm skilled in fingerpicking, strumming, tapping, and have a vast repertoire on the piano. I've written numerous original compositions &collaborate
Allen Rix - Music Producer, Sound Designer and Mixing Engineer at Diamond Style, LLC
Recent Successes
"Working with Andres was an enriching experience, he made the songs brighter, fuller and more present. Even though we never saw each other it was easy to tell that he was passionate about sound and he dedicated a lot o..."
"Liam is a total professional. Within 5 minutes of hearing a few reference tracks, he was ripping it up. Great work!"
"Eric blew me away with his quick turnaround and phenomenal vocal performance. He got it perfect on the first try, no changes needed. He wrote the lyrics and also did the placement of lyrics after I sent him my musical..."
"I knew immediately he had to be on my songs because of the rawness of his voice. He was able to flesh out the lyrics into a more concrete theme and still keep the meaning the same. Great ear on making something compli..."
"I love working with Riley. He keeps a really clean studio with mood lighting in the vocal booth for the right feeling when recording. We do several takes to get the main melody, then add background vocals if works for..."
"This was my 2nd time working with Matty. Just like last time, Matty was quick, professional, and just overall a good guy to work with. Highly recommend!"
"Morgane has now recorded vocals for all ten songs of my debut album. I'm very grateful for having worked with her, in addition to being an amazing vocalist she is so easy to work with and delivers the vocals incredibl..."
"I'm very happy with what Nikos made for me. He's the best."
"Mauricio is a great teacher! After a few lessons I could see a huge difference in playing and sightreading ability. His experience playing different genres of music throughout his career as a performer and teacher ena..."