Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vaughn Willis
I have produced 100’s of songs for Warner Bros TV shows & movies, as well as commercials. I own a studio named AVM Recordings LLC, and perform and write everything in the band Danger Silent (20-million+ streams & views). I have been in the music industry for 20+ years.
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Hi I am a music producer. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Music Production from Full Sail University.
Featured on Billboard Latino, Univision and other major outlets. I provide industry standard mastering and Latin production on any type of projects.
I can do every kind of beat and I put my personal touch on it.
Worked with Yung Baby Tate ,Promise Love and Space Campp
My focus - classical and modern jazz, funky, neo-soul with vocoder optionally, classical and baroque music. With great pleasure I will create and record the bass part or solo part of any difficulty. Old and new doublebasses ,4 and 5 str.( gut and steel strings), Fodera NYC, Marcus Miller by Sire, Ken Smith Burner 4,5,6 str.,Ukulele and Stick bass
Mixing and Recording Engineer from Toronto, Ontario. Currently working out of TA2 Studios, one location in Leslieville and in the middle of the always cool Ossington strip.I've got 5 years of experience working with everyone from Hollywood stars to Juno nominated artists. Hire me to make your pop tracks bang or your post-punk tracks janky!
10+ years of experience in songwriting, producing, mixing, guitar, singing, and *more*! I've self produced and managed my own creative endeavors while also having a technical degree in Audio Recording and Technology. I've cut my teeth on all the stages of music creation and would love to be a part of your next project in any way that you see fit!
Reader's Choice Award Local Musician Winner of 2019 Toronto.
Recent Successes
"Among the many masters of the mastering with whom I have worked, I found the excellent hearing of this young talented Canadian. I was very satisfied with his work. For his incredible patience to meet my needs and prob..."
"She tried to make her best endeavor to adjust my picky request! More than anything else, I’m really satisfied with quick turnaround. And also the result was good. Don’t hesitate to work with Natalie."
"BIG Grant Sayler fan! He was the first producer I have hired through Soundbetter and I could not be more satisfied with his work. I sent him an initial track/sound references and he nailed it! He has a solid understan..."
"I could not have asked for a better engineer to mix and master my track. I was referred to Ken by several friends, and can understand why he has become their engineer of choice -- Ken is a technical wizard, understand..."
"Many thanks Simon, such a lovely accompaniment for the Polish folk song on my forthcoming album. Great playing!"
"It was amazing to work with Aleesia. She's an absolute pro, with an amazing voice. Great communication, and fast turnaround. She brought the magic I was looking for to this song! "
"Thanks Gabriela for your work, fast turn around time and always open to be hands on in the project! "