Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Valley of Dreams
Experienced music producer and songwriter.
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I have over 9 years of mastering experience and look forward to delivering you masters of the most high quality. If your mix needs to be brought to life, I'm the guy who can do that for you. Send me either Wav or MP3 file for quick turn around.
Professional studio and live singer from Saint Martin, Caribbean, currently living in Los Angeles. Berklee College of Music graduate. Daisy Rock Guitars endorser. Performed in Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Asia, and all over the United States; teaching piano, voice and music theory in LA. Can sing in English and French without an accent.
Professional pianist/keyboardist experienced in pop, jazz, Latin, singer-songwriter style, funk, etc. Berklee College of Music's presidential scholar (full tuition&room and board covered), dual major & Master's degree from Berklee. I am here to help you produce your music at its best quality!
To stand out in today's oversaturated market you need innovation and diversity... I'm all about bringing these qualities to the table and helping you with thorough music production ranging from making beats & instrumentals to final mixing & mastering touches.
Music Producer that live in Atlanta. I have produced for Lloyd, Mario, and produced Blanco Brown's newest single "I Need Love." I love to step outside of the box in making great music that is 100% original and stand out from anything out there.
Classically trained violinist & electric violinist with experience in remote recording, improvising and arranging. Currently studying Music Production online with Point Blank Music School.
9 year Hip-Hop/Rap lyric songwriter 3 year self taught Vocal Mixer
Over 500k streams on music I've mixed and mastered. I have studied with Grammy winning Mixing and Mastering Engineers: (Kevin Killen - U2, Peter Gabriel) (Alan Silverman - Judy Collins, Chet Baker) (Fab Dupont - Shakira) and will give your music that professional sound.
Recent Successes
"Ben was great to work with! He listened to my ideas and produced the vision for this track with expedience, professionalism, great musicality, fun and a caring attitude. I highly recommend him for your next project."
"Great experience working with Brent. Very professional and replies promptly with revisions. Will definitely recommend Brent out to everyone in the business. Great mix. "
"Jessica is beyond incredible. 7 out of 5 stars! Biggest pleasure."
"Andres is the best! He always has such a super fast turnaround time and gets it right! He's easy to work with and also very responsive. He's my go-to for mastering!"
"This is the third song I have gotten mixed and mastered by Austin. I always love his work. My go to guy!"
"Tom is a total profession. His feel and groove is super deep and he can rock out when I need him to. Fast turnaround and super great sounding drums. I love this guy. "
"David really pulled the fat out of the fire with this track by bringing in a killer guitar player for an overdub and remixing it. It made all the difference and was accomplished in short order. Extremely pleased. Than..."
"An absolute pleasure as always. Such a great experience working with Elliot every time! Thanks for your care and professionalism! Highly recommend 10 Stars!"
"Holly did another track for me, all backing vocals, all sounded great! Definitely recommended."