Ukulele in Sellersville
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20+ year experienced bassist and multi-instrumentalist. Composer, experimental musician, and genre fluent from metal to World music.
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Deep melodic house and techno producer. Based in Stockholm via San Francisco.
Collaborative and friendly co-writer for commercial artists. 1.8M+ followers across socials. 31M+ likes on TikTok. Music featured on Apple + Spotify Editorials + BBC Music Introducing. Synced on ITV's 'Love Island UK', E4's 'Will You Marry Me?'.
Professional Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Music Producer (Afro Pop, Afrobeat, Hip hop, Pop...). Proficient in Pro Tools, Logic Pro, FL Studio...
Latin Grammy winning session drummer and producer with 15+ years of session drumming, producing, engineering, and writing. My goal is to serve the artist vision and serve the song as much as possible with my work. I will record drums to your song in 1 or 2 days once I have received tracks and instructions.
Hi, name's Iqbal. I'm an electronic dance musician under the name Papa Khan and Lil Salmonella. i have 10 years of experience in music production and 5 years of experience in ghostwriting, sound design, beat making, and working with people around music.
Clients call me “the wizard” because of the magic I’ve performed mixing their tracks. From alternative to rap, metal to a capella, I’ve done it all.
Multiinstrumentalist, producer and mixing engineer that has worked and played with artists such as Gabo Paillao (La Brígida Orquesta) Juana Molina, Frederico Heliodoro, Hugo Fattoruso, Ruben Rada, Urbano Moraes and more.
Recording artist from the bronx Afro-Puerto Rican . Rap and reggaeton production in my music I create beats and master my own music as well as create the art
Recent Successes
"High-quality job done much faster then I expected! I've chosen Jordy to proofread and edit English songs lyrics that I've translated myself from Russian. Jordy completed all 5 songs in just 1 day and delivered the re..."
"Dope Dope Dope! This is all I can say about Tempo. Very upfront and good to work with. I hope to work with him on future projects. He delivered on time and more than what I expected. Cant wait to do more work with Te..."
"Great voice, hope to work with more in the future"
"By listening to the promos for her gigs, I expected a better result. I've seen the rest of the positive feedbacks aren't written by her clients, but they do come from people that she bought instrumentals from. Unlucki..."
"Bailey is an excellent singer and so friendly to work with! She is very professional. I really enjoyed working with she :)) 100/10"
"Amazing to work with as usual, my second time now and cant be happier with the results!! Will work together again for sure"
"Brandon never ceases to amaze me with his vocal control and various timbres. I get such positive comments from everyone who hears the recordings. I'll keep using him!"