Ukulele in Florianópolis
I'm a professional session player, producer and sideman from Brazil. 15 years of professional playing experience added to these 3 skills are always giving me the best sense of what I should do on your song, with the right sound and giving you the most genuine and soulful guitar line with the right notes (not more than that) for YOUR music!
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With over 11 years of beat making, producing and mastering experience, my main goal is to make every client as satisfied as possible by using my skills to make every track stand out.
Recording & Mix Engineer
I am a professional mixing and mastering engineer. I have worked in many studios starting from the UK and in Israel for 2 years and then in the US. I have produced many artists and their music. Music was is and will be the love and passion of my life! So call me! 8456711775 Email:
Louder Hub - is more than a recording studio and rehearsal space. This is the center of musical culture, blurring the boundaries between art and technologies.
I am a world electronic and acoustic music producer/composer, recently focused on work with handpans and the RAV Vast.
If you are a vocal artist (sing/rap) hit me up! maybe we can work.
Grammy nominated, Diamond certified producer, mixer, vocal producer, and mastering engineer. Credits include Bad Bunny, Chromeo, Shawn Mendes, Zara Larsson, Julieta Venegas, Erasure, OPN, Kimbra, Parquet Courts, Robert Glasper, and many more. I love digging in to projects with artists and helping to bridge the gap to a finished vision.
A sound designer and producer with a unique approach to crafting atmospheric and immersive soundscapes. My specialization lies in textures that captivate and rhythms that evoke deep emotions. My music is a fusion of dark vibrations, cinematic sounds, and minimalist melodies.
Recent Successes
"Mario Lafleur is one of the best professional I worked with! He is very fast and clear along the communications, with lot of patience. With outstanding gear (hardware & software), and knowledge, he can provide you th..."
"Totally awesome teaming up with Arlis. We work together really well."
"Thomas always delivers the best vocals!"
"Phenomenal Producer. Will be working with again. Thanks Riley! "
"Michael is extraordinary! His talent is limitless. He can play country, jazz, R&B and if you ask him real nice - he will don his cape and play Liberace style. No kidding, he has done all of that for my projects and..."
"Sina's work is fabulous, he was very responsive, made me a great instrumental and helped me take the right direction for the piece! Thanks to him"
"As usual, great work on lead and bgs"
"Completed yet another project with Leandro. He is such a pleasure to work with! Attentive to details, gives great and honest feedback that can help you improve your music. He's responsive, professional, kind and so ta..."
"Real PRO. Easy to work with. Great Job."